“I have the ability to read your work as a white person” - White person, you are amazing. How did you gain the ability to read Michael Harriot’s work without feeling personally attacked. Share your secrets. You are super-woke!
“I have the ability to read your work as a white person” - White person, you are amazing. How did you gain the ability to read Michael Harriot’s work without feeling personally attacked. Share your secrets. You are super-woke!
You would be an excellent cult member. You should look into that.
Can we talk about your sweater. That’s really what you chose to wear for your profile pic? Really. That sweater.
The caucasity of you questioning Mike in this thread is astounding. You need to take a seat Becky!
I have a feeling that there are enough self-hating, masochistic white people in this country that this book might actually be a hit. You don’t hate white people so much that you would refuse their money, right Damon?
Why shouldn’t he plead innocent? Your very own story blew the lid of this case Tonja. You revealed that Smollett had written in the memo of the 3500 dollar check that it was for personal training. I mean, that right there exonerates him, why are we still dwelling on this?
“Frog-like reptiles”???. Damn Michael, for someone who takes every opportunity to tell some long-ass story about how smart he is, you really come off dumb a lot of the time.
Yes they sure were “shaking up things on MTV”. AV Club is like two soccer moms discussing pop culture at this point. STOP.
You made a dumb grammar mistake, I slightly laughed at it in my comment (and how dumb the content of your comment was) and now YOU’RE mad, and now YOU’RE making a your/you’re post. I think I just had a back and forth with a spectrum-y 13 year old, so I guess, really, you are the winner here.
Too funny - you wont address the fact you were making fun of my grammar when the bad grammar was a quote from your own comment. Not surprised, that is embarrassing! You probably don’t realize how stupid you look. You do know anyone can read through the comment thread and arrive at your comment that says “its suddenly…
seriously confused - here is the quote YOU wrote “its suddenly not apart of free speech....” - Thats what I was quoting and mocking in my comment. Are you seriously so dumb you are making fun of your own grammar mistake??
I already know the answer to how the issues listed with reparations are going to be resolved. Uh...OK. Why do you think I know this? I am asking for the issues brought up by the poster to be addressed, as opposed to calling the poster Dinesh Dzouza. And not sure how asking for issues with reparations to be addressed…
Hey dummy, the grammar mistake was a quote, thats what the sic was for. Maybe learn proper grammar before accusing someone of a dumb comment. And the point was, no one is being prevented from wearing Colin Kaepernick gear, as the post I was replying to was implying.
Just so you know, you’re coming off as racist. Not sure what you are trying to do but you should know how this looks.
Damn dude - GOT HIM! You need to write for Jimmy Fallon because you are straight up FUNNY! white hood...how did you think of that??????
Oh Queen, I read the thread this long and now you finally say something reasonable and not completely embarrassing to yourself. What are the other Root commenters going to think of you?
Yeah great point. Haven’t seen anyone wearing Colin Kapernick gear because it’s not apart (sic...LOL) free speech...what are you talking about?!? There are tons of people wearing his gear, what planet are you from and why did you type such a dumb comment.
Another dumb take - you are on fire!
Dumb as always QVCK, dumb as always...at least you consistent.