You are definitely one of the stupidest commenters on this site, and that is not an easy congrats?
You are definitely one of the stupidest commenters on this site, and that is not an easy congrats?
You actually sound rational and knowledgable in your comment, what are you doing on the Root. There is actually someone in the comments below saying the African American teen should sue because...I don’t know it was too stupid.
They’re not tough guys like you!
Yeah this is just because he is black, not because he walked up to someone whose politics he didnt like and started having a tantrum. Sheesh you are dumb, please tell me you don’t teach children.
Good strategy there Roo- nice job, you don’t look stupid at all.
Yeah that would really hold up in a court of law - I see now why your life revolves around commenting on the Root because you must come off really, really dumb when speaking to people in the real world
Yes if you don’t like someones politics assault them off camera. This is how you fight fascism.
You’ll be the one crying when that same thing happens to someone who is anti-Trump.
Then why don’t you give up your house to a more deserving black family, take some real action. Saying you will agree to give black folks what they are owed is not some huge moral victory.
What do you mean by “patients”?
How the fuck does this dude get out of the grays. I am obsessed with how bad his takes are, and he’s so good I can’t figure out if he is trolling or not.
This is the Root. EVERYTHING is judged by how black people on Twitter feel. Where did you think you were posting, on a site with nuanced discussions about issues that affect black folks?
Yeah I’m an idiot for asking for substantive arguments. Typical Root argument style. Really don’t know how you are going to get someone elected that is clamoring for reparations when these issues haven’t been addressed. Oh I know, just call someone Dinesh DSouza and move on - you do realize that 61% of the country is…
You mean he publicly performed a Haka at the premiere and now you about to cry that he was asked to do it again. It was tacky, awards shows are tacky, move along. Ya’ll cry about EVERYTHING, literally EVERYTHING.
I’m for one am shocked that Michael Harriot is once again writing an article about something a white lady did that got him all upset. Are you going to be OK Michael?
When you say Americans, I think you mean white Americans. All the Hispanic, African Americans, and Native Americans are always experts at other cultures and never disrespect them.
Yes white people are just dying to preserve and participate in Native American culture. There is evidence of that all through this country!
GOT HER! - using the word “caucasity” is a sure-fire way of making your comments relevant and entertaining - nice one cdwag
Another terrible take by Old white guy. There is no way this is not a parody account.
Why bother posting that and not pointing out the specific misinformation. Interested in how you refute their points but you just call him Dinesh and move on. Why give a substantial refutation?