Andrea Twerkin

i DOnT knOW wHAt YoURe TaLKiNg AbOUt

Your username is a derivative cry for attention. 

Copying my username this way so that its no longer a pun is both creepy and sad. 

Interesting choice for a new username. 


Yes, just like misogyny only exists in Saudi Arabia.

Again, this is whataboutism. This bill does not take anything away from you. This is not a race to the bottom.

I don’t know what else to call a comment loudly announcing you don’t view this as a “real” problem. 

This is Whataboutism. You may not care about how racism affects the daily lives of people of color but I’m glad congress occasionally does. 

I’m confused what you’re arguing here - that many men are abusers and rapists (duh) or that BDSM harbors a disproportionate number of abusers? Because as I’ve said studies show that that is not the case.

The only people who could believe that are those who don’t know any of the facts of the case or people who are in deep denial. I’m wondering how deep their denial is.

I do really wonder if she and her sisters have ever openly discussed the obvious truth about the OJ incident or if it’s the kind of thing no one verbally acknowledges in the family.

I don’t know many of the details of what’s going on with Kanye but the phrase “___ wouldn’t hurt of fly” seems like the kind of thing anyone should avoid uttering out loud and on the record given how many times in history that phrase has aged poorly....

There are actual studies and stats on this. Participation in BDSM is not correlated with intimate partner violence. Studies actually show it’s correlated with good mental health and relationship satisfaction.

Wow. “You should do a little research.” is NOT “berating”.

This comment tells me you know next to nothing about BDSM. The issue here is grooming and coercion. If you weren’t aware, most sexual assault doesn’t involve whips or any form of physical violence. Most rape looks like vanilla sex. 

A person committing a crime doesn’t mean they can’t also be a victim of a crime. A huge percentage of murder trials involve the murder of criminals who were murderers themselves.

Men who buy into traditionalist ideas of masculinity that center on men’s potential for violence feel their place in society is shrinking in most of the world. Going to war has been sold to men for generations as the surest way to validate their masculine status and opportunity for that has all but disappeared in the

Literally all the 20th century wars in Africa and Asia were caused by Europe but okay, Will. 

Did this make anyone else think of the Fugitive Slave Act (which made free states enforce the laws of slave states on free residents)?