Miss A Pants

You win the internet today boss.

WHOA. Slow down. I need answers...WHY

Man he’s good looking. I follow him on Instagram and shortly after Rachel dumped him he was holding a fitness class at his cross fit studio in WI, there were women lined around the block....

He can’t because he wasn’t wearing a shirt underneath. gross

You will take my heels from my cold dead hands, no seriously. I live in heels. But i also have a really high arch and they don’t bother me unless i’m breaking in a stiff pair. The only time i wear flats is after leg day when i’m all shaky. I can run in 5" heels but trip in sneakers. I’ll probably need a new hip, knee

I’ll be your sister. Mine is an asshole.

Bill, you’re drunk. GO home.

I’m so sorry :(

I bought a bottle of baby shampoo at Target two years ago to clean my makeup brushes, they won’t stop spamming me about cribs/car seats/formula. My sons are in their 20's no frigging thanks. Baby factory is closed for business. Shop safely friends, they are watching :)

I think i just threw up in my mouth a little when i saw that picture. Again. For the 2342342 time. I should be skinny by the end of the administration.

I am 40 years old and a single mom of two boys (21 & 22). I was married and divorced before i was 18 with a couple of kids. I was recently married (July), my husband (9 years my senior) has two teenage boys.

Ever notice how he’s extra touchy, feely, grabby?

I almost spit out my diet coke. So much YES

OMG I see what you did there. Slick.

My best friend and i ate at KFC once like 5 years ago and after she finished her chicken, underneath was a deep friend roach. I almost lost my shit. We called the manager over and he said “Interesting” and picked it off the plate and took it. Haven’t eaten fast food since. Scared me straight. (Bonus i lost some

I admit i love JJ. Something about her no b.s. attitude that is great. On a side note, I caught the tail end of an episode this week where a guy referred to her as “Your majesty”. I almost spit out my diet coke.

From what i understand they have the ability to turn them on/off you know, for restroom breaks and such.

The yolo part just made me almost spit out my drink...

Was he on the bath salts? Because, Florida.

SO much yes here.