Andrea Jones Torres

hubris is the right word for rick.. I guess I wanted down deep for him to be resolute but seeing him like that makes me wonder if he'll be able to rebuild his authority and take the savior's down.. I don't read the comics so don't know if that happens or not.

it seems as if in 2016 american TV would have finally caught up with the rest of the western world. we're so puritanical still with 'dirty' words. so silly. many times those words add character to these, well, characters.

wouldn't it have been wise to have someone in a single car go and fetch the doctor at hilltop? guess that makes too much sense.

I feel the same… lol I hate it now when a horse shows up.

I just kept thinking that Andrea would be drooling over him if she was still alive.

I wondered about that also (jesus not appearing to know how large the savior's numbers were)

I agree.. I know now that the most ridiculous, pee pee pants, was taken from the comics, but I just wasn't that impressed when he first appeared - maybe he's too good looking to be taken seriously as a villain. I dunno. I am pretty sure if Andrea was still alive she'd be fucking him in no time though. :p

You didn't find it a bit OTT? I mean, we all know that the writer's have been building up to him cracking but I thought he had, in some regard, gotten it back together at least in season 6.. I haven't seen anyone else mentioning this so maybe it's just me.

with all that blood shown on the camera lens? would have to be be one bloody dumpster..

trying to find it again - I only listened to it once when I found it.. I'm sure it's out there somewhere but amc is doing a good job trying to make it hard to find.

times like this when I wish the show was on something like HBO where they didn't have to constantly censor. The vikings on the other hand is on the history channel and is way more graphic in some scenes and imo would have never edited out a blow to the head by lucille.

amc has been frantically pulling it from the web so I doubt they wanted it to be out there - that said, who knows what they are up to with all the misleading info we got before the finale.. :/

I'm trying really hard to like FTWD but damn it's hard.. maybe the second season coming up on the 10th will be better. Thus far it's been pretty boring compared to TWD though, and the character's just aren't very interesting imo. oh well. maybe the peaky blinders will finally drop soon.

so I guess that andrew lincoln and the chick that plays maggie were just teasing us when they talked about how awful and stuff the script was for the finale - that made me think they were going to bash in maggie's head then split open her stomach or something.. I dunno maybe I'm just a twisted bitch. :p I also found

ah - I wondered if that was the writer's or the comic - guess that makes me more sympathetic to the line, as cheesy as it was.

it also seemed to match up, I guess, what the other groups numbers were. maybe they were using their experience with the governor as their expectation. I didn't read the comic's so don't know how much the show takes from them either.

I was wondering that also - I guess being AMC they had to use the my mother told me bit.. and leave out the original version.

he asked jesus at the hilltop how many there were - jesus said, I believe, 20 or something like that - guess now we know jesus doesn't know shite.

the "pee pee pants" line was so fucking stupid. maybe that's what the comic book negan said or something and that's why they put it in there - I was rolling my eyes into the back of my head.