Andrea Glidden

@Gidyup: Just watched this - you're right, it's incredible!

Devastatingly rational and understandable. Thank you for posting this.

Didn't you hear? They have no bananas - they have no bananas today.

@zizzixx: "Experience the Soothing Power of Copper"

Yum, an M&M.

Can't sleep - clowns'll eat me.

@EL31415: "Electricity, my dear Watson"

@FriedPeeps: Dude. You're not EXPECTED to watch it.

You've got (a lot of) red on you.

@lewis82: You just rolled a 2.

The light looks a little dim. Picky.

@snarky30: hahahah who has this!!

I can see a lot of rising damp.

I wish I knew how to read wikileaks without my eyes spazzing out. If I stare at it too long, I start seeing a schooner.

No Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!