
Oh god yes, I adore chocolate milk. Sadly, I had to cut back drastically on my dairy consumption (it was making me break out, I mean ridiculously badly) and the alternatives are all lame. Chocolate almond milk isn't awful, but it's no chocolate cow's milk. Sigh.

This x 1000. I was raised the same way and I still live by it. Hell, this past Saturday I was heading out to my dad's birthday supper (organized by my stepmom) and on the way out I - no joke - fell down my flight of stairs. Once I realized that nothing was broken, I got up and continued on my merry, but sore, way.

Is the movie better than the book? Because I read the book and thought it was capital S-stupid, though that might have been because it lost a lot in translation (literally...some of the writing was so bad that my cat could have coughed up something better).

Seriously, MacKay is such an idiot. I live in Montreal and was 13 when the massacre happened and even my self-absorbed teenage girl self could have told you why.

Oh, I remember Electric Youth! All of the girls in my class had a bottle, and I did too. Oddly enough (or thankfully enough) I rarely used it. My go-to perfume for the last 6-ish years has been Viktor and Rolf's Flowerbomb but before that I wore Armani's She.

ITA, I would have chosen Chris Pratt in a heartbeat. Mind you, he still wouldn't be my first choice (hello Idris Elba!) but given a choice between Pratt and Hemsworth, definitely the Star-Lord.

Nope, nary a one asked about anything other than the big E. Even my family doctor said that I should be more worried about malaria than anything else (which is obv why I have to take my anti-malarial pills) because they have day and night-biting mosquitos. Huzzah.

I seriously wish I could forward your comment to 95% of the people I know. I'm actually leaving on safari at the end of next week and if I had a dollar for every person who said "But...but aren't you scared about Ebolaaaaa?" even after I told them I was going to Botswana (near South Africa i.e nowhere near West

I was having the most awful day and then I come here and see Jason Momoa doing a haka (or what I assume is a haka) and everything is all better. Mmmm.

I must still be eleven years old, because I laughed out loud at the idea of wearing a sweater with "Wang" written down the arm.

I'll second the recommendations of those here who have suggested retinol creams. I've been dealing with adult acne for years now and I've found that a retinol-based night cream - I use Philosophy's "Help Me" - has made a difference in the look of my skin. Not only in terms of the amount and severity of acne, but also

Same here, I loved that movie and I can't stand James Franco or Seth Rogen (I think it was Seth Rogen?) but yet, that movie was fan-freaking-tastic.

Nope, not at all. Please see my replies to others who posted the same thing. I'm saying that VF's choice is a bit strange to me, not that she ought never look sexy again.

Thanks, I am glad that my reply cleared things up a bit. :) I in no way wanted to suggest that this was somehow Jennifer Lawrence's fault. As I posted in another reply, I would love it if she was giving the finger to everyone who jumped all over her and tried to shame her. None of the women who's pics were stolen

IDK either, and that's why I posted about my conflicting feelings here. (FWIW, I generally don't like open-mouth pics, not just in this one case.) I know that there's a world of difference between having your private photos stolen and posing for the cover of a magazine, and I am happy to see that she's telling people

That's a good way of looking at it, I didn't consider that it might have been a very pointed and deliberate middle finger to those who stole her pics. I still don't like the open mouth, but then I generally don't like open-mouth pics, no matter who the woman in it is, lol.

I understand that that's the point, I just don't feel like VF did her any favors by choosing that image as their cover. (None of this is a reflection on JLaw, I love her and think she's a great actress). I totally agree that her photos being stolen is a massive difference and that she has nothing to apologize for, but

I never said that she should act modest and asexual, or that she shouldn't be herself. I just find that VF made an "obvious" choice for their cover photo, considering the banner headline right above it. I'm not against it per se, I'm just on the fence about it.

It's a strange choice for a cover, considering all of the talk about her pictures and etc. I get that the "it's my body and it's my choice" could play into it, but why does her mouth need to be open? I am very on the fence about this entire photo. Gah.

I don't like her work (show, book, etc) either, and it's not because she's a woman. I'm a woman too and I just don't get her appeal. I don't care about what she wears, her weight, her hair, the lessons that she might have "learned", I don't find her particularly ground-breaking, etc. If I were to use a guy as an