
I would question classifying Bismuth as a “villain” in the same category as the others, but even more so at characterizing her as a “gruff soldier”? She was jolly and friendly for most of her episode until she showed her dark and angry side.

Oh! Nice!!

Since a lot of the random wacky things Ronaldo says end up being true, I'm now wondering what character might have a gem deep in their heart or a million tiny gems coursing through their blood. Lion?
(Unless the true part was the mind-controlling minerals in the water supply.)

I’m honestly baffled that a fantastic episode like this gets a B. Apparently people were expecting more “plot”? But given that this is a coming-of-age story centered around Steven, I’m pretty sure that Steven dealing with his feelings about his mother is the plot. Ultimately, Steven is the story, and Rose is just the

Yes, my current favorite theory is that White Diamond shattered Pink first and later set up Rose to take the fall for it… but also that Rose was originally one of Pink Diamond's shards. :P At any rate, the fact that Pink was allegedly killed inside her palanquin, which would have hidden her from view, would make it

Yeah, but "Corundums" have never been established in the show's universe as a category of Gem types. Quartzes have. Plus Rebecca Sugar's early character sketches for Holly Blue describe her as a "diplomatic Quartz". Plus, she has the typical build and facial features of a Quartz. It seems reasonable to assume that she

Agates are a type of Quartz. So the fact that Holly Blue is the boss of the Amethysts implies that there is a hierarchy among different Quartz types.

I don't know… I feel like she thought of Rose and Steven as two separate individuals who happened to be stuck together. She seemed amused at how much Steven enjoyed the keys, and I don't think it was because she thought it was actually Rose playing with the keys; right after that she tries to talk directly to Rose's

if Gems fought with humans how do they not understand basic biology
Greg is a human who grew up in human society and he wasn't sure if human children glow or not. It's an absurdity for the sake of humor.

I personally think there has been quite a bit of exploration of Garnet’s character since the big reveal of her being a Fusion (though there’s definitely plenty of room for more!) I don’t think of it as other aspects of her character being neglected. Her being a Fusion is a fundamental aspect of her being that can’t be

I like how Pearl sits on the coffee table like she hasn’t quite grasped the niceties of modern human furniture.

It was spoilery about Garnet…

Everyone’s talking about Andy supposedly being a stickler for “traditional” marriage, but is he even married himself? He certainly didn’t mention any wife or kids of his own. If he had any, he would have been away from them while he was traveling the world in his airplane. If he was never married, or had a marriage

Yeah that's who I thought of too! Lock, Shock, and Barrel.

I know most people are seeing it as a teen-movie “repressed nerd cuts loose” kind of thing; but while watching the episode, all I could think of was “mid-life crisis”. Pearl starts by going on about how WILD and CRAZY she was back in the day, you kids shoulda seen it; next thing you know, she’s wearing jackets,

I noticed that too. Connie, like Ruby with her butterfly, was fixated on one incident that she just couldn’t seem to let go of, but once she acknowledged and dealt with it it was settled fairly quickly. But Steven’s issues, like Sapphire’s whirlwind of butterflies (probably related to all the possible futures she

You've just reminded me that in "Serious Steven," when the butterflies are swarming Steven and he's panicking, Garnet is the one who shoos them away and tells him "They're just butterflies." :O

Probably the best Garnet moment in this whole nuke (which has admittedly been rather light on Garnet) is that scene of her completely losing her shit over Smoky Quartz. And I interpreted her "I can't" as a meta joke about the fact that Garnet never asks questions, which Rebecca Sugar and the crew have talked about a

Sorry, I'm not sure if I'm getting your point. As you say, the Beta Kindergarten was created halfway through the rebellion started by Rose Quartz. She couldn't have started the rebellion hundreds of years before she even emerged from the ground, so if she came from an Earth Kindergarten, it had to have been the Prime

Also, Steven should have just spit on Jasper. Surely Amethyst has taught him how to spit long distances! Not only would it have possibly been a chance to save Jasper, it would also have been hilarious.