
Haven’t read it yet because I’m trying to figure out how that bikini top works. How do the nipple covers stay up??? Boning? Wires? Tape? Black magic?????

how is this bathing suit staying up?

I am bothered by her breaking her committment, but I am more bothered by her not understanding that the way a family with children makes $29 a week last isn’t by trying to make 5 limes and some greens into weird fucking omelettes, it’s by buying a bunch of cheap processed shit and trying to turn into appetizing

But what about the people who post pictures of gigantic spiders they found in their house on facebook? They’re the real bad guys here.

Right? I mean she bought SEVEN LIMES on a tight budget.

Gwyneth just consciously uncoupled from pretending to be poor —you know, like we all can do.

“well take a photo and send it PRIVATELY to the person who gave it to her.”

If it bothers you so much but you don’t want to unfollow (due to the delicate ballet of not hurting feelings), just start tagging yourself in the baby photos. THEY will unfollow YOU soon enough.

The one sided ones are the best though...where the wife/GF tags the husband/BF in everything, but he doesn’t reciprocate. It’s like they’re overcompensating for something, and I have to watch obsessively as the relationship slowly crumbles live on the internet.

I’m having a really hard time believing that this is real and not some sort of weird Internet version of Munchausen by proxy. (Munchausen by proxy server, maybe?)

I call fake just because of the “so and so is gorgeous and we all love her” paragraph. It’s too mean for them to take time out to devote a paragraph to how great her baby is, unless she wrote it herself.

Always skeptical of the authenticity of these bizarre-o things. But for anyone irritated by my kid posts on the facebook, yes unfollow please. The grandparents, great-grandparents, aunties, uncles, and various other relatives are always requesting more. I use the Facebook to interact with my widespread family. That's

Am I the only one who thinks the parent faked this for attention? By the looks of her husband’s twitter account he has been trying to get the attention of a few local celebrities with this letter.

A group of angry moms should be called a Swaddle. As in, this woman was attacked by a Swaddle of moms who couldn't look at her baby anymore.

I would seriously, seriously recommend going into a lingerie shop and getting them to fit you - those ladies are professionals who know their business. My mother and I (we both used to work in lingerie) took my aunt to one before she got married last year, and they fit her properly in a 34-D even though she had been

I would seriously, seriously recommend going into a lingerie shop and getting them to fit you - those ladies are

Whenever there is a post that talks about smart children, commenters immediately come out to lament about the burdens of being gifted, and the weight of the expectations loaded upon these special and smartest snowflakes. Don’t live my struggle, they stoicly request. I’m no hero, they whisper to the apathetic masses.

can confirm

Wow. Not just you.

Basically *I* (usually) think I'm pretty, but I just about always think that other people WON'T find me pretty. In other words, I usually think I'm gorgeous but simultaneously think that I'm not what men want to see/someone strangers will look at and find attractive.