
To follow up with everyone else, it really seems to depend more on the person than on age. I had a Mirena for over three years and eventually had to have it taken out because of discomfort and spotting. It did stop my periods though, which was excellent. The previous recommendation was to only give them to women who

I got my 17-year-old one, she's currently 4 or 5 months into it and her periods have almost stopped. She's delighted since she inherited my random periods of death. She got really nauseous during the insertion and had cramps for several days, but she didn't say it was horrible.

I also got a Mirena without ever giving birth. I believe the no children idea is because your uterus is still smaller and after birth it is larger, something like that (I think). I had my period on and of for about everyday for 6 months and then it settled. Some people never get their period again. It just depends on

I got one six weeks after giving birth. I bled lightly and cramped for the next three months. Now I'm fine though. It was worth it to me but each woman would need to make that decision for herself.

Proud home of a Mirena device here. I have indeed given birth, and the only thing I can say about that was the insertion wasn't nearly as dramatic as my non-mommy friends intimated it would be. It was like a strong cramp (or a weak contraction) for a second there. I actually walked half a mile from the doctor's office

Side effects are different for everyone, and not related to her age or whether or not she's had sex. Doctors who say that are uninformed and in many cases, don't have appropriate training. Going to Planned Parenthood or any other place that really specializes in IUD insertion can make a big difference. Practice

Everyone is different. I, for example, have never had a child. And aside from initial discomfort (1-2 days of cramps), haven't had any problems with my IUD.

It really depends on the woman. I've never given birth, and I've had no trouble with my Mirena, and I know other women who don't have children who've also done fine with theirs. It's not the right choice for everyone, but the rule that it should only be a birth control method for women who've given birth is needlessly

Truth. I was volunteering at my kid's school last week, and this one kindergarten class had a Lillian, a Hamilton, and a Fanny. Cute lil grandparent's names!

Is Cheetah his given name? It seems is you name your child Cheetah it like a 98% chance he'll turn out to be a something like a man bun wearing acrobat who believes that his happiness is worth other peoples money, but then again if he named himself Cheetah than what can I say, I once dated a guy who called himself

My grandma doesn't really throw shade, but she is a shady person in general. She does a version of the classic "I don't know her" where she very innocently someone if they know a certain person we know she doesn't care for. Like, asking me if I've met my cousin's wife of 5 years that we saw at Christmas the week

I've never understood why parents are obligated to pay for college. My parents told me from the time I was very young that I would be expected to work throughout high school to save up for college, and that I'd better get good grades and apply for lots of scholarships. It's BS that parents have to co-sign student


Since you clearly haven't read my comment:

So...they wrote a book intended to promote a healthier way of living, then added a note at the end that their advice could be complete bullshit?

I want to make an autism vaccine from bone-broth. Just to see who will and who won't take it and why.

I sent this link to my boyfriend on gchat and said "I can't wait to see what tonight holds!!!!!!!!!!" He still hasn't responded...sometimes he's not as amused by my humor as I am.

I will freely admit I love Meghan Trainor. Shut up, it's catchy and it's fun to sing and dance along to. And her song Close Your Eyes is honestly gorgeous.