
Wrong site if you want "reporting" of news...

IT could'r been seem so much smarter...Suggest you, design next one...or learn grammar!!

I'm not sure which comment was worse, his or yours.

Right?! I re-read the article because I was watching the (pointlessly redundant) video, and my brain couldn't comprehend that it was taking video.

Google's Santa Tracker works well on desktop and mobiles too...

Now's a GREAT time to jump in to film photography as a hobby! Dark room parts are dirt cheap on eBay (or local garage sales if you're lucky), and film really isn't that bad online.

Same here, but we did celebrate Festivus pretty hard yesterday. Tomorrow will be more of a food, football, and family day.

Give this man a star! Oh, we don't have those anymore...

Been there, done that... Thank you for taking one for the team!!!

Version? Slow your roll, Eric!

I'd like a listing of stores open on the 25th. We're usually bored by noon...

Haha, raccoon girl! I thought it was just me...

Now playing

Here's what I thought of when I read your comment...

Now playing

I laughed my ass off at that one. Mostly because at work, whenever we get a package, somebody inevitably screams "OOOOH, WHAT'S IN THE BOX!"

Eleven months. Change them every year since someone hacked my Google account.

Not to be confused with Aaron Rodgers, the only reason I clicked the link.

Love this song, not sure why. Sometimes listen to it two or three times in a row.


It's running like crap for me. Iran's dialup is probably clogged up.

Don't have Bar Envy. It's not the size of the signal, it's how you use it!