
Thats the fun thing about conceal carry, you don’t know who is and who isn’t.

Sure. As soon as the NRA collectively shuts the fuck up and moves to one of the many, many countries with more restrictive gun laws than the US, as soon as the Christian right collectively shuts the fuck up and moves to non-Christian-majority countries where Christians actually sometimes experience persecution for

This is a weird take. While there are drag queens who try to look like “realistic” female ideals, there are also a whole lot who very definitely do not. No one looks at Trixie Mattel and says, “Ah yes, this person is obviously a realistic-looking attractive woman!” Convincingly passing as a conventionally attractive

If I never hear another variation on “why did you wear that outfit if you didn’t want any and all dudes in your general vicinity to fuck you?” again, it will be too soon.

An absurd number of dudes really think “fat” is the worst thing a woman could possibly be and don’t seem to care if the woman they’re accusing of being fat weighs 80 pounds soaking wet. It’s an idiotic insult for a political opponent even when that person actually is fat, but it achieves a special level of idiocy when

Honestly, I’d give the edge to the rhododendron. It’ll let you explain the entire plan without interrupting to talk about itself, and no matter how it feels about what you say, you can feel reasonably confident that its response will not be “start a nuclear war because someone on Twitter insulted the size of its

“Mansplaining” is basically a shorter way of saying “being the sort of condescending jerk who is convinced that the woman he’s speaking to could not possibly know as much as or more than he does about the subject he’s lecturing her on, no matter what their respective qualifications are.” The ur-example of mansplaining

They don’t. It was the spare Best Actress envelope. Dunaway didn’t look closely at what Beatty was showing her, saw “La La Land,” and announced that, presumably without noticing that the card in question actually said “Emma Stone - La La Land.”

I mean, it’s Trump, so pretty much by definition, if he says he’s never had an STI, he’s totally had one or two. (Or twelve, or twenty...) I would say he lies like a rug, but even some pretty terrible rugs occasionally decide to stop lying and reveal the truth:

While most of this is very weak trolling (it goes off the rails way too soon, and the over-the-top misspellings, randomly capitalized words, and completely bonkers punctuation are really a bit much), the part about the country of Africa, where slavery is legal and people fly “the flag of Africa,” was pretty funny. You

Yeah, every time I hear “how could these 17-year-olds possibly be articulate and capable of winning arguments with adults?” I mentally translate it to “I spent my high school years cheating on tests, plagiarizing essays, and stuffing nerds in lockers, and I refuse to believe other people actually spent that time

It’s not really anything like Simone Biles, who just did difficult things well, which pretty much everyone agrees should get you higher scores than doing easier things well. The system-gaming people mostly object to when it comes to Zagitova’s skating is that she sticks every single one of her jumps in the second

(That was Tanith Belbin White, not Tara Lipinski. But otherwise, totally agreed. I am mostly only bothering to correct you because I freaking loved Belbin & Agosto and therefore kinda continue to love Tanith even when she’s just explaining the difficulty of twizzles or whatever.)

They didn’t tone down the hotness of their free dance! They did for the team event, but for the individual one they went back to the face-sitting lift. And it looked freaking awesome.

I feel bad for Papadakis and Cizeron insofar as they have to spend the next four years (or even longer) wondering whether they would have won if not for her costume coming apart, but Virtue and Moir are just so freaking good that I couldn’t help but root for them.

Yeah, Bobrova and Soloviev made me cringe, too. It’s not as bad as the other Russian ice dance team who had the staggeringly offensive aboriginal blackface costumes back in Vancouver, but it does seem to follow in their footsteps a bit. There are approximately an infinite number of “stories” to have one’s dance tell -

Um...did you dismiss my reply making the case that Chen making the podium was a real but not terribly likely possibility? Because it seems to be missing. (I noticed because it was starred by several people, which showed up in my notifications, but the comment itself has disappeared.) If so, that’s a super weird thing

Wow. I am not someone inclined to wish violence on others, but if the friends and family of the seventeen murdered kids and teachers wanted to find whoever tweeted that and kick the ever-loving shit out of them, I wouldn’t do anything to stop them. How completely vile and soulless do you have to be to come up with

There was definitely a realistic scenario where he medaled, seeing as he finished just barely out of 4th place. There wasn’t a terribly likely scenario where he medaled, but “Jin does only very slightly worse than he actually did and either Uno or Hernandez makes a couple of big mistakes” certainly wasn’t out of the

He would at least have made it pretty close. While you obviously can’t do a 1:1 comparison between different competitions with different judges, Chen got a 104.45 on his short program at US nationals. A score like that plus his 215 tonight would have narrowly beaten Hanyu.