
Yup. As someone who was victimized in some pretty horrifying ways by a true psychopath, I often think about something my therapist said to me in the aftermath when I was still trying to make sense of it all: “Be grateful that you can’t understand how someone could do those things, because you don’t want to be the sort

THANK YOU. That drives me up the fucking wall.

I object. Topol isn’t Tevye from Fiddler on the Roof. Topol is “some asshole who played Tevye in the movie version of Fiddler on the Roof because the director didn’t want to deal with Zero Mostel’s tendency to ad-lib dialogue.”

Dude, do you seriously not get that refusing to be alone with female coworkers because you think that entails “the appearance of evil” is a problem? He is literally telling you “I treat women differently than men at work,” which would be enough of an issue in itself even if he didn’t add on “and I do so because I

Women will stop giggling and trying to defuse the situation just as soon as men stop threatening, beating, stalking, raping, and murdering women who stand up to them. When no man ever gets aggressive or violent with a woman who tells him “no,” when that is longer a real risk we have to consider, I promise we’ll be

Are you fucking joking with this “my goal is to make women put together a comprehensive list for me rather than putting forth any goddamn effort myself” shit?

I have no idea why it’s a “gawker insult” to say “claiming that rape victims will inevitably sexually assault other people is both complete bullshit and offensive as hell.” That sounds more like “a statement of an obvious fact that anyone who’s not a complete asshole would agree with.”

Testimony is evidence, and I’m so damn tired of hearing people declare that something which anyone with even the faintest knowledge of the legal system knows to be evidence (that’s why calling witnesses in court is a thing!) magically ceases to be evidence when it comes from a woman and what she’s saying is “I was

He was raped for years by his Nazi father. Can you imagine trying to come to terms with that? No you can’t.

As someone living with PTSD, I just want to note that I really appreciate your comments here. The stupid and offensive things being said about PTSD here by dudes who clearly have no idea what the hell they’re talking about are infuriating, and I’m impressed that you’ve been coherently explaining PTSD and ASRs to them,

On the other hand “Three women say Weinstein raped them” is very strong, missing out that these women could be lying.

Yeah, between my own all-too-extensive life experience and the steady drumbeat of stories from the last few weeks, I’m having an increasingly hard time believing that most men actually think women are human beings rather than objects to be used. So many of them have treated me as the latter over the course of my life

No one is disputing the fact that attempting suicide by jumping onto or in front of a car is fundamentally inconsiderate. What people are saying is that it’s also fundamentally foolish - and, in these circumstances, outright cruel - to insist that a child should be able to achieve the same level of thoughtful

I sincerely hope those three stay on that list, because if it came out that Mister Rogers groped people or something, I’m pretty sure I’d completely and permanently give up on the human race (or at least the male half of it).

Now playing

All songs with screaming goats delight me. :)

I mean, what’s your sample size? Because that “conspicuous pattern” wouldn’t seem to include Roman Polanski, Woody Allen, George H.W. Bush, R. Kelly, Mark Halperin, Terry Richardson, Bill Cosby, Twiggy Ramirez, Ethan Kath, or most of the other dudes whose shitty, abusive behavior has been publicly discussed in the

Heh, one of my friends has a hilarious homemade “cookbook” of his great-aunt’s recipes, and roughly 75% of them are casseroles ranging in quality from “eh, that sounds okay, I guess” to “dear god, why would anyone combine those things and call it a food?” The ingredient list for one of them was something along the

“You know, a lot of people are saying what an incredible job I did cleaning that toilet. Believe me, all the other janitors have never cleaned any toilets. Not one. No one knew just how hard cleaning a toilet was. You know, Crooked Hillary wouldn’t have cleaned the toilet, but I cleaned it big-league. And now the

To add to the absurdity of male entitlement: I use a wheelchair. You don’t want to know how many times men walking towards me on sidewalks have displayed visible confusion and/or irritation when I don’t fling myself off the curb and into traffic as they approach. Women consistently recognize the obvious fact that it’s

Could one add “ask them where to get a really good pavlova” or “offer to have a pavlova-making party with them” or really anything where the end result is me getting to eat lots and lots of pavlovas? Because that would definitely be pretty high on my personal how-to-interact-with-New-Zealanders checklist.