
Heh, one of my friends has a hilarious homemade “cookbook” of his great-aunt’s recipes, and roughly 75% of them are casseroles ranging in quality from “eh, that sounds okay, I guess” to “dear god, why would anyone combine those things and call it a food?” The ingredient list for one of them was something along the

“You know, a lot of people are saying what an incredible job I did cleaning that toilet. Believe me, all the other janitors have never cleaned any toilets. Not one. No one knew just how hard cleaning a toilet was. You know, Crooked Hillary wouldn’t have cleaned the toilet, but I cleaned it big-league. And now the

To add to the absurdity of male entitlement: I use a wheelchair. You don’t want to know how many times men walking towards me on sidewalks have displayed visible confusion and/or irritation when I don’t fling myself off the curb and into traffic as they approach. Women consistently recognize the obvious fact that it’s

Could one add “ask them where to get a really good pavlova” or “offer to have a pavlova-making party with them” or really anything where the end result is me getting to eat lots and lots of pavlovas? Because that would definitely be pretty high on my personal how-to-interact-with-New-Zealanders checklist.

I am baffled by the idea that the mere act of baking multiple ingredients in a single dish at a relatively low temperature somehow renders the food in question not “actually cooked.” There are shitty casseroles, sure. There are shitty anythings. The existence of Spaghetti-O’s doesn’t render all pasta dishes invalid.

I hear you. I became disabled as a young adult, so I at least got to skip over dealing with discriminatory bullshit as a kid, but I’ve spent the last seventeen years or so fighting to have access to the things other people take for granted, and I’m just so tired of all of it. I feel for the disabled kids and their

It’s a pity they were, by his own account, only “temporary” bone spurs that magically went away without surgery as soon as he didn’t have a draft to dodge. Perhaps it’s hard for him to empathize with people with ordinary disabilities since he’s only experienced one that was so completely fabricated medically

They’re bigoted, entitled fucks who don’t think anyone who isn’t rich, white, heterosexual, able-bodied, cisgender, and male is really a human being. See also: Trump mocking Serge Kovaleski for being disabled, Trump mocking Charles Krauthammer for being disabled, Trump being successfully sued on multiple occasions

This comment would be stupid in any context, but the fact that you are throwing yourself a pity-party about how you have “the worst deal” compared to people with HIV who can’t afford the medications that keep them from dying of AIDS is so staggeringly self-centered and ridiculous that it’s hard to believe it’s real

That slippery slope of yours makes zero sense, seeing as I was not talking about anyone being a “massive drain on us” (which is a deeply fucked-up way to think of people’s lives - I don’t want to treat and prevent the spread of HIV because I’m worried that some minuscule fraction of my tax dollars might go towards

I mean, I’m entirely on board with universal health care so that everyone gets their meds for free. But barring that, stopping the spread of infectious diseases is pretty obviously in the public interest. If giving Albert his HIV meds means he doesn’t spread HIV to Bill, who therefore doesn’t spread it to Charles and

Now playing

She is. I think there may be a backing track helping her out, but you can hear the slight “oof” noise when she hits the bed, you can hear some breathiness in her voice at various points when she would naturally be somewhat out of breath, and the really crazy hard dance moves are generally placed during parts of the

“Merely” emotional damage?

...holy fucking shit.

I just wanted to be one more voice saying that you’re not alone. I also proceeded to date my first rapist (and yeah, “my first rapist” is a seriously fucked-up thing to have to write, sigh) and stayed in a relationship with him for almost three years, during which time he raped me several more times, cheated on me

Honestly, I’m convinced he never could have scored even that high, because while being wealthy and white helps, I think it’s counterbalanced by the fact that he has no intellectual curiosity whatsoever. He doesn’t read. He’s convinced he’s so smart that no one could possibly have anything to teach him. I think it’s

One of the linked articles says she decided to get all that plastic surgery specifically because she went on a date with a dude who told her she looked old and demanded she show him her driver’s license to prove she was only 41. So basically, this story boils down to “a deeply insecure woman went on a date with a

Anyone who believes that women who wear burqas are being forced to do so by men should be utterly and completely against a burqa ban, because in what fucking universe does the sort of man who would force his unwilling wife or daughter to wear a burqa respond to a ban by saying, “Well, shucks. I guess I’ll just have

Don’t worry, that suicidal 14-year-old ends up somewhat happier once she marries a 30-something man! She needs parental consent to get married because she’s way too young, and her parents are like “oh sure, having our barely-pubescent child who has been missing for some time marry a 30-something dude we’ve never met

So do people who are too disabled to work also lose the right to vote? What about stay-at-home parents, who are disproportionately likely to be female? Or unemployed people, who are disproportionately likely to be POC? Even if I were okay with your plan in the case of the elderly, which I really, really am not, I’m