
I am baffled by people who think the tone of this piece is “whining” or “anger” or literally anything other than “affectionate, mildly exasperated amusement.” Apparently reading comprehension is hard?

I mean, I think there’s a difference between your story, which is a pretty straightforward “I married my high school sweetheart” story, and “I’m getting married to a guy I obsessed over for a decade even though he didn’t feel the same way about me and told me so repeatedly!” The former is pretty normal (it’s unusual,

Oh, what a load of sanctimonious crap.

No, it doesn’t suggest “a degree of detachment that one would not feel if one was brutally raped,” both because there isn’t one singular way that people deal with being raped, because I don’t actually think making art out of one’s trauma suggests “detachment” at all (I mean, do you also think Maya Angelou wasn’t raped

Just so you know, it’s actually incredibly common for rape victims to treat their rapists normally afterwards. I know women who cooked their rapists breakfast the next morning. I continued dating a rapist for some time after he first raped me. It didn’t make the fact that I was crying and saying, “no, stop, please,

I do not care even one teensy tiny bit about the fact that Meg’s skin color is different than it was in the book. (As others have pointed out, her hair color actually hasn’t changed, not that I’d care about that if it had, either.) My only worry about Meg as far as her physical appearance is that the little girl

Some things that have happened to me or to friends of mine at various levels from elementary to post-graduate and employment:

I wouldn’t mind Dev Patel as Aladdin IF the rest of the cast were still ethnically Middle Eastern. Presumably there would be at least some immigrants in the fictional kingdom of Agrabah, there has definitely been trade between the Indian subcontinent and the Arabian peninsula in real life for a very long time, and it

Is yours obsessed with correcting “remember” to “fermenter”? Because mine does that all the freaking time when I haven’t even misspelled “remember” in the first place. I have no idea why my phone is perpetually convinced that I really, really want to tell people to fermenter to pick up milk at the store or ask them if

I don’t know if she deserves better. If she did wouldn’t she also choose her men more wisely?

It’s cool. Plenty of us in the US are laughing, too, although in our case it’s often because the alternative is crying. I thought Reagan was too dumb to be President, but at least he was good at delivering speeches, so I could sort of understand why people would think he was intelligent enough to actually understand

I still don’t really buy million-dollar home owners as non-wealthy, but I recognize that line is drawn differently depending on the cost of living of one’s particular area. (I would still draw it quite a bit lower than you do, since I’ve looked at both what my job pays and what the best job in my career path pays in

You have a very strange definition of “wealthy” if it doesn’t include people who can afford million-dollar houses. (I also have no idea why you believe everyone in McMansions came from humble origins and worked hard to acquire them, given that numerous studies have shown that the best predictor of how wealthy one will

The houses she mocks, pretty much by definition, have way more than the space you (or anyone) needs. One of her favorite things to make fun of is what she calls the “Pringles can of shame,” which is a ridiculous multi-story cylindrical foyer that is utterly useless for any purpose other than showing off the fact that

Leaving aside all the other horrible things about anti-vaxers in general and Tony Muhammad in particular, calling autistic kids “zombies and Frankensteins” is ableist as fuck. Because apparently just trying to convince parents to expose their children (and other people’s children, and anyone who’s immunocompromised,

Yeah, I feel like both sides of this issue ought to just be summed up as “don’t take this shit so seriously or worry so much about other people’s choices” - so, if you’re invited to a pirate-themed wedding, either (a) dress like a pirate and go have fun, (b) ask the couple if they’re cool with you coming without

Yup. As another autoimmune-diseased person, I would understand the offense if she’d said, “being famous is exactly like having an autoimmune disease, like, it’s sooooooo hard you guys!” or something, but “being friends with someone super-famous is kind of like being friends with someone with an autoimmune disease

There’s a middle ground you’re missing, though. The show included quite a lot of things we never see in the book - to use a particularly pertinent example, the show lets us know what happened to Offred’s husband and what things are like for those people who managed to escape across the Canadian border. If they were

Those are all good plays! I also enjoy Some Lady Leaves Her Husband, A Couple Acts Weird in Front of Their Guests, A Greek Dude Bangs His Mom, and Harry Potter Wants to Bang a Horse or Something.

I love the many, many layers of stupidity in that tweet, ranging from the obvious “that’s not even the fucking title, you dipshit” part that Erin pointed out to “no one either in real life or in The Crucible was burned at the stake in Salem” to “the people being accused of witchcraft are not exactly presented as