Persona 5 Royale or riot.
Persona 5 Royale or riot.
I rarely comment. But you’re the shit Ash. I’ve enjoyed reading your work. And this a bum out to read. Just wanted to throw some positivity your way in shit times, from a long time reader of this site, recent reader of your work, and consumer of most nerd related things.
Love to see these guys do another original IP. I would kill to work with them and they have the midas midas as well.
Dear rest of the world:
“Vader knows in some way that killing them would be as if he had indeed killed Padmé in the first place.”
You want “The Dragon Prince” which is on Netflix.
They weren´t involved in Voltron. Other people from the Avatar crew did.
Some things just work better in animation, and should stay that way.
Whelp, there goes my interest in this project.
We don’t need a Live Action Avatar The Last Airbender adaptation. The original series is perfect and the less said about the M. Night. Shymalan movie the better.
Don’t give up. You’ve got the music in you.
P.S. I asked if the character is wearing a Game Boy.
Can I weigh in with what I hope will be a fairly nuanced response on the issue of mispronounced names and microaggressions?
It’s like these guys are trying to have a contest to see who can be dumbest. When did the world collectively decide that electing people with the mentality of 1e year old boys was a good idea?
While it’s good news that the president recovered,
Hey, DC Comics! I got a secret to tell you. Lean in real close. I’ll whisper it in your ear.
2020 could need more friendship stickers
Yes, yes, YES! I’m still amazed at how many of my fellow Star Wars nerds have never experienced the greatness of Tartkovsy’s series. I personally introduced two people to it this year alone.