They are pretending to play nice with anyone who can further their interest of becoming richer at our expense.
They are pretending to play nice with anyone who can further their interest of becoming richer at our expense.
“And it seems to me
you lived your life
like an asshole giving wind...”
High five, fellow lifeguard!
“Hold Me Closer, Tiny Hands Sir...”
“He believes in individual liberty and freedom of expression and the first amendment”
Local goober response when I said this place will look like Beijing in a year was to laugh at my hysteria. Nobody really gives a shit that there’s total incompetence being installed at every level, but it makes the libtards upset, so it must be great.
I just feel actively bad all the time
It’s almost as if the actual, concrete plan is to bring in every enemy of the Federal government and exactly reverse course from a democratic republic. Exactly like they said they were going to do all along.
Perhaps. But if Jill Stein and President-Elect Trump both state that there are suspicious discrepancies in the voting results, shouldn’t there be some sort of objective inquiry?
Oh yeah, I forget that recounts are done for free and all the money she got will go straight to paying her debts.
In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the…
I wonder what the odds are of him actually surviving his term?
I am already exhausted by this and Herr Drumpf hasn’t even been sworn in yet. You think they’re trying to find one of those pocket bibles for his tiny hand to rest on?
Let us assume that Couple A invest a total of $70,000 in their daughter’s 529, but they do it at the rate of $14,000 a year for the first five years of her life. Couple B decides to superfund and puts in the whole $70,000 in the beginning.
When his companies start losing money, he’ll notice. “Believe me.”
That antlered Doe is almost certainly a genetic anomaly. Probably an XXY aneuploidy. The news story does not say how close to a nuclear power plant this deer was bagged.
They taste good, and the copper mug makes them ‘cool’ enough for men who are up their own ass about wanting to appear TOUGH AND MANLY with their drinks to still order.
Dear Ina,