Yo Lo James Franco

There is a book called Out of the Shadows by Patrick Carnes. It was, I believe, the first book published on sexual addiction. For loved ones, look into CoSA. Nobody has to live in secrets.

Lovely. So you are comparing terrorism since 2015 to what? December 2014? You want me to see this as special terrorism?

I scrolled through the primary debate dates for both the Republican and Democratic parties. WaPo has them listed. The days of the week look pretty in sync. Some weekends and some weekdays. One of the handful of presidential debates will be on a Sunday- I don’t know how you could claim that Sunday would benefit one

You said when was the last time that 10's were killed? This wasn’t that long ago. That was your question in proving your point, right? Or now is it a frequency question? I see that you reject his ideas on immigration and Muslim immigration.

Or was he a car insurance salesman and his fraud conviction caused a bunch of Bernie supports to lose their auto insurance so they couldn’t drive to cast their vote. I’m typing this while clutching my pearls that political donors receive ambassadorships and such. I am sorry you are just finding this out now.

And how did that prevent people from voting for Bernie? The claim is that the voting was rigged.

Can you explain exactly how it was rigged? Did they not count votes? Pay fake voters? Just purposefully miscounted? There were no scandals about Bernie or bizarre birth certificate allegations that I could think of that I could blame on ‘planting stories’ to undermine his campaign. So what is the actually rigging? It

Nope. That’s not how this works. The voters vote- election results are our responsibility. I’m not a Republican, but that party’s inability to vote in the best interest of the country is not Jeb Bush’s fault. The Republican elite has been throwing out Trump warnings all along. And yet, here we are. Now I’m not the

I know, I laugh every time I see the ‘rigged’ claims of Bernie supporters-I’m pretty sure the Republican leadership would have been more motivated to rig the prelims.

Why does nobody hate Carl Rove this much? I guess Donna Brazile is next- the only way out of this is to appoint someone from the old boys network. That’s who everyone trusts, for clean politics. I hear Ken Starr’s looking for a job.

Let me jog your memory a bit more: in 2011 8 were killed in Oslo by a van bomb and 69 young souls were lost during a shooting massacre at their island camp. You should read Anders’ manifesto- it might surprise you that you have some common ground.

Anders Breivik.

It looks like they transferred the baby to a children’s hospital. If it’s not straight forward, a local general hospital will move kiddos. A children’s hospital will also be better equipped to step in on behalf of the child.

It’s the cover-up that is most alarming. Because mom & dad were a) assumed to be sober b) hindering medical aid to the baby.

Hospice is terrific. But to meet the criteria of 6 months or less to live requires very severe dementia. Typically hospice in this disease is when they can only say a few words, are bed-bound, incontinent, etc. The way this disease progresses leaves families with a lot of time and often dealing with terrible disease

I tipped one over while putting away laundry. I opened the two top drawers and it became too front heavy. I was able to push it back up and close the drawers- but I was startled at how easily it fell over.

A learning difference can lead to this? Or a significant cognitive/intellectual impairment or brain injury that results in this and also a learning disability? The problem with the second one, it sounds like she was otherwise functioning- even driving him to get the ammo?

I have 3 sons. One went off the rails. As part of getting back on the rails, I drove him to the bank to settle his debts. My advice: be honest and do the next right thing. I love my son dearly, but I was not concerned with leniency. I can’t check my moral compass when it comes to my kids- because if I do that, then

I know! it’s her sober=boring view of him that I can’t watch. It’s too grim.