Here is a link to the Aussie ABC news video...and yes, he did! Lol...
Here is a link to the Aussie ABC news video...and yes, he did! Lol...
Why is it that the North Koreans are the only one’s left in the region with some measure of a sense of humor?
Great link...thanks for posting that....will stop laughing tomorrow.
And this is what happens when you are not successful with a 30 + knot crosswind:
Great piece, Michael.
Oh, NO...not Xena...could you think of something else?
You know, we might actually get some traction with the Chinese and their unacceptable behavior in the South China Sea if we would start using this local parlance and demanded they stop their maritime hoonery.
I did not know that about the Rickover. Makes me wonder if the George Washington had plenty of plates with “Scorpion” on them, just forward of the missile compartment.
And there are so many more...
A beautiful, well-designed and built aircraft.
Great catch, Tyler.
One of my favorites.
Tremendous souls, each one. Particularly Capt. J. H. who was my Div-O when he was an S-3 NFO prior to pursuing what he really wanted to be.
Speaking of coal fired! Here’s another MITO launch with older KC-135s with P&W J57's using water injection...note the camo pattern on the first ‘135 that the photog zooms in on.
...and this one from the movie A Gathering of Eagles showing a MITO takeoff (as a kid living on Carswell A.F.B., we used to get someone to take us to south end of the runway...a K-Mart parking lot, to watch this when we knew they were going to do this type of launch)...
A couple of videos...this first one is a SAC sing-along (note the rare tandem 2-seater TF-102 taxiing by at time 0:59)
I like your use of the “ ‘second’ Cold War.” Quite appropriate.
Indeed! Lol!
I’m glad to hear that some of your Os pitched in. Having been aboard 3 Nimitz boats, we had an abundance of enlisted to ensure we stayed clean...we stripped and buffed the ready room and the outside passageway 1 0r 2 times a week (as I recall).
Yep, your’s is the only choice they have.