Ancient Subhunter

Ahhh...the life! An old BB sailor? he had an endless shelf of stories to tell!

What an ass I am for assuming you were an old sailor like myself...(although I use “sailor” with fear and trembling since I didn’t even learn to tie a damn knot at Great Lakes in ‘84 or on the Nimitz, TR, or working up the Lincoln).

Oh, thanks. I stopped, in my “abrupt” looking up of his ships (and knowing the class of one or two others) at the Anchorage (which I had originally thought without looking was a tender - sub/destroyer).

Sounds like you enjoyed your time. I applaud your sea-life. Thanks for all the hard work. Black shoes are the most under-appreciated of the naval species.

Back in the ‘80s we called you the “Gator Navy.” Outstanding collection of ships. Did you get along with the Corps? We had a security detachment of Marines on the CVN-71 who were outstanding but nothing like your sea of camouflage.

In not-so-calm seas, no less.

What boats?

Thanks...never heard that story despite the fact I was an East coast Viking AW a handful of years later. Just read it last year.

Here’s a link to Air and Space mag article from a different perspective and an earlier time...known as the “Gulf of Sidra Incident”:

Far greater wisdom than I advocated, Evil. They should join in a direct combat unit and watch their best friend’s head soil their face...then, perhaps, they might not be so itchy on the trigger.

That’s it! Thanks, NEOgreg. Great article.

Ahhh...the “Snoopy Team”!!! You just brought back some audio memories for me...thanks for that!!!

Oh...and the Tomcats always scrambled for these equally USN-photo did the Phantoms before them...and even an A-7 or two and somewhere out there there is a pic of a VS-29 S-3A “intercepting” a Bear...

Fox’s website headline reads: “Russian Warplanes Buzz...” and Tyler claims they flew “over” (what is your source for using “over,” Tyler?).

What a fantastic addition...should keep those airframes flying for a while. I was pleased to see the S-2 Tracker of yester-year also updated with turboprops as well... (Wiki credit available).

Per other reply, only DC-1 through DC-3 and DC-5 had 2 engines (of the “DC” group).

The Atlas is a beautiful creation...bravo, Airbus!


Ahhh...the TF-34 on ‘roids!