Evil...thanks....been following some of your other posts. Good to hear from you.
Evil...thanks....been following some of your other posts. Good to hear from you.
Usually, we’d radiate for all targets and then pick out the most likely radar return. Switching to the ISAR mode, we would then “visually” ID the contact. If it was the target we’d launch our weapon(s) or send a strike mission to wreak havoc.
You’ve hit many heads of many nails...particularly this ridiculous concept that has been with the military since jets first came on the scene that if it isn’t “sexy” it isn’t any good.
That’s what rain squalls at sea are for!
Love the “like a shrunk in the wash jet liner...”! Never heard it put that way!
Excellent choice, RoK.
What disturbs me the most arrives just after time 3:24 (as the amphib launches the Z-18 and the Z-10).
Not a buzz....well, for the Air Force...
Nice job, Tyler. Among the “main stream media” websites...including Fox...only CNN has a written “breaking news” banner...none have an image or video or even the story as of 1342 central time.
Great pic, evil. Never could get a vapor cone in the Hoover...though many of my pilots tried!
Damn! Beat me to it. I was going to say that what the video fails to show is that his right-burner-turn was simply a long 360 for a re-approach to fill the tanks again.
Evil, I hope they are paying you well. “They” need wisdom from genuine warriors and not “yes” men and women, and flag officers more interested in their post-military careers than ensuring we are prepared for the next edition of conflict we’ll face. And though I’m tired of the empty phrase “thank you for your service”…
Hi, EvilFD: I was an AW (or Anti-submarine warfare operator). Great questions. When you consider the age of some platforms still being used today, I find it hard to accept that it was removed from service. However, the ASW mission was “removed” long before retiring the airframe.
You mention that you are aware of “special listening equipment...” on trails, etc. I assume you are referring to Igloo White from Vietnam. That was the closest, to my knowledge, of “sonobuoys” being used and then monitored by a variant of the P-2 Neptune (the maritime patrol aircraft replaced by the P-3 Orion).
Looking forward to their $700 Billion helo program.
Tyler, thanks for the piece. I was appreciative of the nod the EWO made in the direction of the S-3B. As a long-time-ago Sensor Operator in the both the A and B models, I'm pleased that the Viking is thought of and missed.