I’ll pin this comment up on Mick’s door for you
I’ll pin this comment up on Mick’s door for you
Look at ‘ze Americain, with his incomprehensible profusion of sauces! Is like a partee in his bouche, where everyone is covered in grease!
Szechuan Sauce is like America, in that the people who obsess over it the most, screaming about it to all their like-minded friends, without really understanding the underlying forces at work behind it, who are artificially creating and feeding this obsession for their own sinister ends...
I am angry about ONE of those things, yes
pop culture’s been the shits ever since Stone Cold allied with Vince McMahon to beat the Rock at WrestleMania X7
still bitter about that.
Ee’s got no bloody appreciation for Muddy Waters, I’d wager
Adorno sounds like an absolute nightmare to sit on a bus with.
The Seahawks are awesome. You all know this. It’s just a matter of how much you’re willing to accept it.
This is quite a good article, Clayton.
Holy shit, what a goddamn catastrophe of a post.
He has a hard road schedule, those tights don’t get washed too much.
“a string of lyrics created merely to express his “Man”-ness (“USDA certified lean”), all over a disco beat”
The prize alumnus of my high school!
But I don’t want Morrissey!
Its evolved form, the double axehandle punch from the second rope, was an important part of Stone Cold Steve Austin’s arsenal.