I guessed it!
I guessed it!
I guess this is my farewell post, even though I’m not leaving.
Lynne's style worked on a lot of Tom Petty's stuff.
Peter Gabriel still hasn't figured out how music streaming works, either.
This sounds like the flavor equivalent of a Daisy Cutter bomb.
Nope, it sure isn't a real quote!
Yeah, Breitbart gets to keep Bannon, too, so don't get too jealous.
Disqus seems to be increasingly aware of its own impending mortality. Would you like to reload?
*drinks heavily to avoid answering*
*drinks heavily to avoid answering*
Original sin.
There's very little commenting functionality in these gym mats.
The same goes for you, obviously.
Cookie! You gotta come with us, man! Quit this joint and see the other side, be it heaven or hell!
What will your fate be, AJ? Will you go quietly into that Kinja night?
What popular TV show was frequently the subject of a notification-based meme?
…Now let's loot as much booze and copper wire out of the walls as we possibly can.
Glad we have Alabama and Kansas calling the temporal shot on this one!