It sure is amazing how anyone can understand anything he says through all the screeching.
It sure is amazing how anyone can understand anything he says through all the screeching.
A deeply uncomfortable "u up?" text.
*drinks heavily from flask*
Wrong! Pewdiepie was NEVER cool.
Which asshole Youtube guy? There are…SEVERAL.
It also becomes a little bit weirder when the assholes in I <3 PINOCHET shirts who make themselves look like such badasses on Youtube start sobbing on camera about how afraid they are of getting hurt
There are no Hitler statues in Germany.
Trump already said exactly that today.
Someone won a lip-synching contest at my school with I Don't Wanna Miss A Thing, and I can't help thinking to myself that that victory cannot be worth it. I couldn't live with myself.
This is perhaps the best party-ending playlist I've ever seen.
Also, I don't care what you say: Cameron Poe's guitar motif in Con Air is the most awesome thing you've ever heard.
Well, I'm just not sure the science is with you on that one, lawdawg.
It's like the opening scene in Melancholia where the two planets collide.
Everything I've ever read on Chamberlain seems to indicate that that was never his actual intent, although it may have ended up happening that way more or less by accident . He legitimately did think that Germany had been wronged by Versailles, he really wanted Germany as a buffer against the USSR, and he was being…
There is no Trump, only ZUUUUUUUUUUUUL (Bannon)
I'm super sleep-deprived right now and I'm wondering if re-listening to the MBMBAM riff on the hypothetical Hulk Hogan/Andre The Giant sex tape would cause me to actually die laughing
That's a point for him, against quite a few dozen demerits.
I dunno if Carson's a racist, but he sure does like to hang out with Jeff Sessions a lot.
"slanders all conservatives as racists"
Conservatives tend to handle that themselves these days, the SPLC doesn't need to do it for them.
<3 griffin