The Middle Philosophy: It's Lazy AND Creates The Illusion Of A Moral And Intellectual High Ground!
The Middle Philosophy: It's Lazy AND Creates The Illusion Of A Moral And Intellectual High Ground!
The Constitution: It Totally Works, Except For All The Amendments And All The Racism And Oops We Forgot A Bill Of Rights And Also There Was A Civil War
Sure, sure. Whatever gets you in the recruiting office, Russ Meyer.
Eh, sort of. It helped Germany just as much as it did Britain.
Too much of a risk to the cast and crew.
John Kasich was only a moderate in comparison to Trump or Cruz.
I have entire wings of my family who essentially ground themselves into the dust, economically speaking, by their own hand. The worst sin to these people is attempting to legitimately improve yourself, because that implies you think you're better than everyone else.
Guess who they all voted for.
You ever been to a large public university, with a big liberal arts department?
Jesus God, does it ever exist.
And I say that as a veteran of that exact system!
Do you have any idea how much cash those FarmersOnlyDotCom ads bring in?!
And there's a lot more oil war.
I think it's the West Wing audience; IE people who have an unjustifiably starry-eyed enthusiasm for theoretical American politics that bear absolutely no real relation to how politicians think or act.
I think they did that second thing, actually.
He occasionally grimaces before voting for terrible legislation.
Truly, at this uniquely trying time in our nation's history, we need the unifying powers of the guy who seriously thinks that everyone in America fucking loves Gilbert and Sullivan.
The thing about Neville Chamberlain was that everyone was fine with him, before all the things happened.
Only the clammy, limpid embrace of the mythical Moderate Republican President can possibly soothe his soul.
Eight years from now, if any of us are still left, the political right in this country will be dominated by people who will be convinced that Trump's great mistake was that he didn't go far enough.
Whatever keeps you going. I hope you're right, for the record.