Well, I'm gonna get Raptured, so…
Well, I'm gonna get Raptured, so…
man, i am surprisingly fed up with this meme
Didn't they only have like one album anyways?
I still don't even know how much of that money actually made it back to the Stones, as opposed to ABKCO. Needless to say, Klein and his corporation were pretty infamous for being huge goddamn thieves. The Stones made no money off of Hot Rocks 64-71, that all went to Klein.
No fucking kidding. I have numerous bad personal hangups with that song. if someone likes it, consider it a warning sign. No, it doesn't matter that the video's "clever".
And indeed it was!
Oh fuck, it's always heartwarming to see a funny line crop up again and realize it's a meme now.
Dying in the tub is very considerate. it makes cleanup very easy.
Pun absolutely intended.
cobbled together with the help of six different corporate entities (and without the help of the original director/cowriter)…presumably as a…future addition to a streaming service
Maya Rudolph was in this AND the Emoji Movie. It's been a hard few weeks for her.
If you crane your neck, you can still see them.
I NEVER thought it could happen to ME!
Passersby were amazed by the same comments over and over again because they didn't bother to read the other comments. Passersby were amazed by the same comments over and over again because they didn't bother to read the other comments. Passersby were amazed by the same comments over and over again because they didn't…
Not in the Special Extended Director's Un-Theatrical Redux Version!
(which is the only true version.)
Look…EMG, you need to go.
If you don't like Ernie the Kinja Tech, you can just leave.