
"No, never once. The idea has never even been contemplated. Also, what if Jon Snow became a serial killer? But, like, his new job was catching serial killers?"

Look, I see what you're saying, but on the other hand-*NOT PENNY'S BOAT*

The Sopranos finale basically brought Journey back into the mainstream. if nothing else, hate it for that.

…tall, pale, and ice-cold?

I don't honestly understand any of this. So the whole leverage these hackers think they have is that these leaks will spoil the show? Well then…just don't seek that info out, then?

"All I Can Eat"?! THE JOKE'S ON THEM!

"New Petitions Against Tax"

"Pitt: *blows airlock*"

And a shilling an eel! Line up! Line up!

Gambling is the only thing I know of that could make golf interesting.

*extremely unfunky bass*

Wait, do we still have shillings? And if so, what the hell is a crown?

Other side effects may include scrotal bassoon, radiohead, eyesplosions, and Grover Norquist Syndrome.


*Middle-aged man repeatedly throws football through tire swing while driving train through tunnel*

Damn Trenchard and his amateurish emphasis on aerial policing of colonial territories over serious preparations for a modern aerial war over Europe!

My favorites:
- "高山低頭,海水讓路" = "The Mountains Bow, The Ocean Parts" - ROC Special Forces
- "Lerne leiden ohne zu klagen!" = "Learn To Suffer Without Complaining" - GermanKampfschwimmer
- "Ex dentibus ensis" = "From The Teeth, A Sword" - Royal Army Dental Service

It could work two ways.

Twilight looks so ridiculously milquetoast now, especially given how Pattinson and Stewart are both pretty legit actors now and the supporting cast are all pretty good.