You gotta love the showmanship inherent in his obviously staged situation room photo “during” the raid that killed Al-Baghdadi:
You gotta love the showmanship inherent in his obviously staged situation room photo “during” the raid that killed Al-Baghdadi:
Arsenal’s lackluster play is all a part of Stan Kroenke’s long game. Ladies and gentleman, give a warm round of applause to your 2020-21 Los Angeles Goooners!
The second takes a pretty wicked bounce so let’s say that’s a nice break. The third is terrible marking in the box. The first one though? That’s a class goal.
uhhh based on how he was playing earlier, he absolutely was not. Frank has done a great job with Puli and the roster in general. Puli showed flashes of skill to start the year but then had several poor performances in a row. Meanwhile, Willian has been playing really well, CHO back from injury and playing great, and…
Spanfucker and his cronies are jacking each other off on their cocaine cruise while draining G/O’s coffers with outrageous salaries. When they’ve finally milked it (and themselves) they’ll all buy new underwear and look for their next victim. These are vile, hateful, greedy people who don’t give a shit about anything…
are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out.
I’m convinced the new owners of deadspin bought a massive insurance plan and are intentionally sabotaging the site to cash out. Good article Chris, too bad a half dozen ads and autoplay videos crash it every paragraph.
Honestly? If they’re behind at all after, like, five, they could do it tonight. They got their win in Houston. 2-0 would be pie in the sky, but 1-1 is what you came for. You have to put yourself in the best position to win three more games; it doesn’t have to be the next three.
I went to that bullpen dump of an NLDS game 3. I really should have gone home an hour earlier....
Follow the Rules, good of the game, footbaw!, effort, sprints, AMERICA,
Despite all this, Dan Snyder was still the most shriveled wiener in the locker room after the game.
Obligatory “Please, for the love of god, stop posting video interviews, or at the very least, also provide a transcript” post. Seriously. Just stop. No video.
Tough but fair.
Yeah, sure, but also fuck the Yankees.
“That is great news for the sanctity of the sport.”
“Relevant Sports” is such a sad name for a marketing company. It’s like calling a food supplier “Fit For Human Consumption Meat & Seafood” or a multi-level marketing company “Technically Not a Pyramid Scheme” or a daycare facility “Recently Up-to-Code Nursery”.
With the regular season about to start, it’s obvious that LeBron will offer no defense against Kanter.
Refs shouldn’t have to take the players wishes when calling the game. Then the protocol that was supposed to be followed is useless. It shouldn’t be a case by case basis if the refs/UEFA really want to show solidarity to what they put forth.
If the more diverse teams (not coincidentally the better ones too) - england, france, germany, netherlands and Belgium - decide to boycott until it stops and uefa starts feeling it financially, would that work? Because otherwise this is just kabuki.