
The band should just stick with Lady Antebellum if they’re gonna act like shitheads.

The court also ruled that about half of Oklahoma is Tribal Land. The dissent was basically “this is going to be a huge pain n the ass.” I think Alito was in the same law school cohort as Bolton, there must’ve been some class they took called “All Treaties Are Bad.”

That was a good read! Fuck TERFs/FARTs, and Brennan in particular. The cognitive dissonance of saying trans women are mentally disturbed men but she fully supports their rights to a job, while pushing completely against all trans rights, just hurts my brain. 

I appreciate your penultimate paragraph, Ashley. That these two are Jews is enough to make me run screaming into the void. Their actions are so far from what I understand Judaism to be about.

I get the impression that the Millers (yes, both of them; probably their unborn child as well since Katie is pregnant and I don’t think for a second they’ll be decent human beings when it comes to raising their kid) are so insecure in their “whiteness” that they over-compensate by having a complete lack of sympathy

I think they’ll try to go ahead with the third one (potentially even just making it a finale of sorts) for the DVD/Blu-ray “trilogy box set” revenue but when it likely tanks they’ll quietly pull the plug.

It's probably just J.K. Rowling.

And that argument always being “she’s the real abuser” or “why are you ignoring her” when people aren’t doing that. Just about no one is under the impression she wasn’t in some way toxic back.

His acting is terrible these days. Even if I felt I could ignore his personal life,which I personally cannot ignore because he is a creep, I can’t ignore the bad acting. There are Hallmark actors doing a better job than he has in his last several films.

I really struggle to see how he expects his defence to succeed when so far it’s little more than “yes I drink a lot and take a lot of drugs to the point of blacking out and yes I am someone who become jealous and volatile, but how could you think I hit her”.

So I’m sure they will show up, so what is up with the weirdly passionate Depp defenders that show up in every comments section?

Not to be a pedant, but Jolie and Pitt are doing family therapy - which is TOTALLY different from couple’s therapy. It’s a whole different set of goals and skills you work on, and in cases where the parents have already divorced is going to de-emphasize the couple to focus on the emotional/psychological needs of the

On a tangent and something that’s bugged me since yesterday when reading up on the Depp trial is that even if you take JK Rowling at face value good faith in her argument then it’s still one in which she’s decided to enact more punishment towards transpeople because she claims them shitting in a toilet creates the


I haven’t heard anything about Tom himself abusing people, but he’s very involved in protecting his church, which definitely does abuse people in a variety of awful ways.  I guess it depends where you draw your lines around complicity.

The more he keeps this stuff in the public eye, the more unwatchable he becomes.

Johnny Depp turned in to Michael Jackson so slowly I almost didn’t notice it. Seriously, the weird fashion and speech affectations, the neverending abuse scandals, the former heartthrob-turned-ghoulish fame hermit storyline. This is what unlimited money and unearned adulation combined with mountains of drugs do to you.

She was reportedly canned shortly after the inauguration for raking in $26 million for her personal media firm.

Re: What makes these carpets Muslim — Besides the size and shape, which are identical to the prayer rugs used five times a day by Muslims around the world, the rugs in the header image and the Instagram post all go one step further and straight-up depict mosques. There’s really no other way to interpret this.

Because I am glib and terrible, my first thought was that their corporate parent must have been getting them from the Xinjian province.  I’m sure there are plenty of them that just happen to be lying around.