
Of course she’s “uncomfortable” around him. Unless she’s a total imbecile she’s well aware of the stiffy he sports for her half-sister, who the hell wouldn’t be uncomfortable with that? She damn well knows if she gets too close to him he’ll start leering and pawing at her too.

I assume Olivia de Havilland was the biter.

[frantically searches for “UNSUBSCRIBE” link]

Very important details as we plan on being condo dwellers and, will need to work around small space, even if we moved to a two-bed. Anything that absorbs smell is a huge bonus. A few people have mentioned A&H cat litter. Will do our research before we buy any mats. Thank you for the advice! Everyone on this thread has

Saw this and thought of you. Please tell me you’ve done this.

So good. I hate how we act like our constitution was written by god himself, when clearly they made mistakes, like uhhh slavery.

Extra stars for “take your fucking shoes off”. I live in a cold weather state, no one here wears shoes in other people’s homes, generally. I mean, we all universally get that there’s a lot of ick you can bring into your home on your shoes. But there some people who insist on keeping their shoes on and drag their muddy

Hi everyone! It’s been a while since I updated everyone. Several months ago I started posting about my abusive marriage and really appreciated everyone’s support as I prepared to leave. Now I am here to update everyone that I have been gone a little over 3 months. I am in my dream apartment. It might not be much to

This is how to be an ally. Recognizing one’s privilege, and not feeling guilty and defensive about , but using it to help bring some other people’s truths to the light, and calling out the ignorance at the same time.

I think that the best answer to the ‘cops feared for their lives’ people is that is part of their job. They are responsible for protecting lives, not taking them. Yes, their job is dangerous, but they owe it to the people in their area to do it right. This means not rushing into a situation, clearly identifying

It’s the very same people who say ‘why didn’t he just comply’ that are the first to say the ‘cops feared for their lives.’

Israelis live under Israeli civil law.

I needed this. Now. If anyone needs me I’ll be shouting my demands for scotch and a cardigan from the restroom.

Let’s see. Here we have:

It also labels a privilege things that either should not be a privilege (ie not being shot by police, not being assumed to be a shoplifter, having decent schools and grocery schools near you), or that you have no control over or both.

Some of it may have to do with Frida Kahlo’s political leanings — she joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1927, and now her image is being monetised for a large corporation’s profit. I’m not horrified or astonished by this but the irony is somewhat wry and unpleasant. What’s next? An Emma Goldman Barbie?

When she says he’s “more handsome in person” it looks like she’s about to grab a knife and fork and eat him right up, y’all!!!

They don’t really believe in companion animals, and would be just as happy with there being no more pets. They’ve been responsible for a lot of euthanasia since — when the worst evil is “ownership” — that’s considered liberation.