
I was in a group discussing the #MeToo movement, and a guy asked what he could do. Someone told him to stop being silent when he saw or heard bullshit from other guys. I said, “Yeah, you play the ‘humorless bitch’ once in a while so that a woman doesn’t have to do it and be told that she’s the only one there with a

Again, I would suggest that they be seen in context. Three-quarters of children in Ghaza suffer cognitive damage from malnutrition and unclean drinking water/sanitation directly tied to the Occupation.

But note how carefully you are choosing. Jordan and the UAE. The two most ‘moderate’ (whatever that means) pro-Western countries in the region.

Just noting that had she written exactly the same about any Arab government, she would likely never have been pressured to step down. We really do hold double standards, here.

I still call Megyn, “White Santa Megyn” and I’ll never stop.

It’s like a conservative concern carries more weight by default.

I watched the Vietnam documentary with my Vietnam vet dad and when the topic of “Hanoi Jane” came up he quickly said “oh who cares.”

Pro-lifers are some of the least compassionate people there are. Women don’t get abortions in the final trimester because they don’t feel like being pregnant any more. A woman who has a late term abortion is having it because there is something wrong with the pregnancy - it’s either hazardous to her or the fetus.

Agree. Once I stopped pretending my hairline wasn’t in full rout, I got rid of the hair and haven’t missed it.

“The Prince got sick of being teased by Harry about going bald and this seemed like a practical solution — and one that should stop all the digs too.” Sky News notes that Harry and also Kate have been public teasing William about his hairline for years now.

This. Pregnancy’s not an illness, for fuck’s sake. At least not in the majority of cases. People need to stop acting like women can’t get on with their lives while knocked up.

You know who I’d really like to hear say that the hatchet has been buried? Janet. Until then its just another man putting words in a woman’s mouth to excuse past behavior. I never understood why all the heat came down on her- IIRC it was his hand that ripped the garment in the first place.

Ok, my memory of the “wardrobe malfunction” is admittedly not great. But, I always thought JT intentionally ripped off part of Ms. Jackson’s costume. At least, that’s what it looked like to me when I watched it way back in the 6th grade. Also, “wardrobe malfunction” was then equivalent to “alternative facts” in

Am I the only one who’s not so worried about the clothes? I have never seen her wear anything I thought was inappropriate for a 13-year-old.

I looked up prince phillip’s wiki page to find his age, and saw that he is from the house of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg, for which I think you have to put on lederhosen just to pronounce correctly.

I wonder what it would be like to be rich and famous but had to deprive yourself in order to be so thin? Not saying this model necessarily, but just in general. I know they have other worldly pleasures to enjoy but I think a good meal with friends is one of the most enjoyable things in life, and I’m not fat.

I always say that I’m not a kid person, but a Kidlet person. I was completely conflicted about having him, didn’t even know I was pregnant until I was six months along, then had him two months early. And I admit that I fell head over heels for him when he was a week old - he was put into my arms in the NICU for his

My husband and I did treat ourselves to a fun rug in anticipation of laying it on the new floor:

Any jezzie parents out there? Looking for some advice or general stories about your journey to becoming a parent, and particularly how you maintained a sense of selfhood. Stories of parenting being super hard are welcome, but I’d appreciate any anecdotes or blogs/articles that are realistic but uplifting for those

When politicians talk about the economy, they talk about the stock market and corporate profits.