
It was a fairly dubious point of pride for him. And I guess it meant I never had to step over passed out junkies, just overly solicitous crackheads?

It was...a lot. And yet also, not a ton of fabric. 

I actually find it truly hilarious that she has two french bulldogs named Creme Brulee and Bete Noir. Like...what the fuck. 

My worst neighbors...don’t actually live there. I live in a mid-size but relatively expensive city, in a cute, fairly quiet, centrally located neighborhood. The house next to mine has been empty for 20+ years due to an inheritance dispute - I’m talking empty to the point of broken windows with cardboard taped up,

When I was living in an as-yet-ungentrified corner of Brooklyn, I made friends with the middle aged crack dealer who lived on the third floor with his elderly mother and his sister and her small white dog. He would ostentatiously clear out all of his crack buddies off the stoop when I got home from work: “Hey get the

I lived below a woman who “dog sat” for a living. This consisted of having 3-10 dogs in a smallish house (I lived in the daylight basement converted to a second unit), which would stampede back and forth barking wildly depending on whether the front door or back door was more interesting. She never walked them so they

Egg retrieval does require anesthesia but not a ventilator. Every one I’ve seen (5-10) has been under IV sedation - the patient is groggy but still talking, and definitely breathing, on their own. It does require PPE on the part of the retrieving team (two people), but a regular surgical mask and gloves is usually the

Not-healthy trail mix is a good idea! My sweetie is a eat-to-live type (think: jar of peanut butter by the spoon; smoothies that are 30% flax oil) so some sort of absurd decadent trail mix would probably be right up his alley. Otherwise I was thinking maybe shortbread?

Jam bars are a good idea! And not something I usually make so it might be exciting. I’ll just need to figure out how to ship them without it getting too gooey...

Seeking suggestions for sturdy baked goods or other treats! Planning on sending out some care packages and would love some new ideas on sweets that hold up well in the mail. So far I’ve made homemade marshmallows (lemon and strawberry), two kinds of jam, and chocolate chip marshmallow cornflake cookies. 

I’m sure you’ve seen it, how emotional or verbal abuse can be harder to leave because it’s less clear-cut. A punch is indisputably wrong; undermining your confidence and self-worth is equally abusive, but more insidious.

I’m so sorry.

omg cheesecake bars sound amazing. i’ve had no appetite thanks to covid and stress, but i’m still cooking up a storm and pawning off sweets on literally anyone who will accept them. I mailed out boxes of jam and homemade marshmallows this week and am open to suggestions for sturdy baked goods to send out for the next

I’ll be thinking of you, keep us updated! Even if it’s “just” a weird bleed - that’s a lot of fear and uncertainty to carry through a pregnancy, and a lot to live with day-to-day on top of everything else. And if it is a loss, I’m so sorry. Miscarriage is hard, you feel helpless and sometimes the medical profession

Hahaha I spoke too soon and have been short of breath all day. I feel like I smoked two packs of cigarettes and then sprinted a mile. Love it, this virus is awesome /s.

That is so awful, I’m so sorry you’re in this position. It sounds like you know that you don’t deserve to be abused like this, just keep reminding yourself that you’re strong and you deserve better. We’ll all be thinking of you.

It’s hard to manage emotions in close quarters in the best of circumstances, let alone now when everyone is rightfully stressed out and on edge with no end in sight. I’m probably the more stressed out person in my household, but I recognize that feeling of “Can’t this just be MINE?” since my husband tries to manage my

Yay eggs! I felt so bad going to multiple stores looking for eggs but it took my partner 2+ tries too. We bought two dozen because they last forever and I’ve been going through them like crazy with all my stress baking. 

Covid friends! I finally feel better today, after a week of being Not That Sick with fatigue, low fever, and an intermittent cough, and three days of Okay That’s a Little Scary shortness of breath. I’m sick of being totally winded just going up and down stairs, or trying to walk and talk at the same time.

I’m so sorry, what a terrible situation. What an absolutely unfairly awful thing to happen on top of all of the awful things we’ve had heaped on our heads lately.