
That’s such a great idea! I loved those beauty box reviews, I miss Millihelen so much :( I’ll definitely check out your site, that’s awesome that you’ve kept that going.

Well let us know! I’m so intrigued by all things K beauty but it’s hard to get a sense of what works when the reviewer is using 1234809712347985123508 products.

Aaahhh how did you choose which K beauty stuff to get? I’ve been thinking about embarking on a serious skin care regime, but I’m so intimidated by all the options I don’t know where to start!

I’m probably too late on this one, but - recommendations for workout gear?

Right? If I had as much money as Lady Gaga I would have huge, beautifully done tattoos, not the shitty small pieces most celebrities seem to go for.

I also kind of want those. Just...why is the butt flap so high? That’s inconvenient for both the toilet and sex. Is it for aerating your lower back? Picking lint out of your upper crack? Please advise.

And they’re age-appropriate! I know it’s such a pathetic thing to get excited about, but I love seeing beautiful 40-something appreciated by men of their own age.

I have a raccoon swing coat that will be pried out of my cold dead hands. My greatest fear is moving somewhere where I can’t get away with wearing (vintage) fur. It’s so warm!

Xi’an is SO GOOD. Excellent choice, A+.

What should I get my mother-in-law for christmas? She’s very femme and loves super girly stuff: stationary, pink lipstick, lace doilies, china. Unfortunately, she’s also legitimately a connoisseur of such things, so I know anything I get her along those lines won’t be as nice as what she buys herself. I was going to

I got my period as a somewhat chunky 10 year old. I remember my mom sitting on the bed crying about how I would be short and fat, and then she put me on a strict diet and made me do sports I hated to lose weight. Years and years later I brought up to her how that fucked me up, how I hated my body and felt ashamed

My mom pulls the “You ruined my figure” (and her life, and her career, etc) card all the damn time. She actually just gave me a pair of awesome, late-80s, super structured high-waist trousers that I love, but accompanied them with a speech about how she loved these damn pants and spent so much on them and got them

My mom consistently compares my body to that of my (8 years younger) (adolescent) sister. Like, no shit she’s skinnier, she’s not done with fucking puberty. Direct quote: “Well, your sister did get Grandpa’s goofy nose, but she’s so much thinner than you, she’ll never have to worry about her weight the way you do.”

“I noticed that all of the medical students shadowing my doctor have a distinct look...they’re all so thin, and petite, and well put-together. I think maybe you didn’t get in because you just aren’t the right type to be a doctor.”

I’m sure you’ll be fine, just keep an eye on them when she starts to go through puppy puberty because things can get a little weird - my friendly cattle dog suddenly became not-so-into other dogs.

I’m glad you made that joke so I didn’t have to.

Was just coming here to say that. Pretty sure 50s gender norms sounded 100% less awesome back when that was your only option.

She is ADORABLE. Biased opinion: pittie puppies are the cutest puppies. My advice is more of the same: puppy classes and socialization. I am always very conscious of how my pit is being perceived because of the stigma against the breed, which is bullshit but real. Pits can also have strong prey drives, which is

This is extremely shameful, but I once got totally wasted at a strip club and lost my passport while vomiting out the car door. A very nice older couple found said passport in a puddle of barf, rinsed it off, and responded to my panicky Craigslist ad. I was mortified.

I loved 1Q84! Here’s a comic of the meals from that book, I love how he writes about food. My favorite Murakami is probably Kafka on the Shore, though.