
He’s adorable, and I hope he has a long and comfortable life, but I find the name Bonsai totally depressing. I just don’t want to think about pruning a puppy, you know?

Butt massages are the best.

My husband is completely unsympathetic and doesn’t understand why I can’t just do it :-(

My beloved yet somewhat disgusting husband is similar. He’ll cover the sink in beard hairs, walk through DRIFTS of animal hair, leave ashtrays and beer cans everywhere, ignore cat litter tracked into the kitchen, etc. Basically, if the mess is below ankle level, he’s completely oblivious to it, and he leaves a trail

I identify with so much of this! One thing that helped me get over feeling I had to “prove” my bi-ness, was remembering that no one asks a straight virgin how they know they’re straight, right? And there are plenty of straight men in the world accepting blow jobs from other men. So it follows that sexuality is

I’m from Seattle originally, but moved out from Portland, OR. I really love museums and food, that’s the only reason I have good suggestions :-) If you were asking about shopping or sports I’d be no help at all. Where are you visiting from?

I have anxiety about speaking on the telephone to anyone I’m not really close to. Basically, if its not someone I’m comfortable farting around, talking on the phone to them makes my heart race, I feel cold and sweaty, and I get nauseous preparing to make calls. It’s gotten better over time because I’ve forced myself

I live in Brooklyn, in a not-trendy corner of Williamsburg. It’s great, I moved out here three years ago when my husband started grad school expecting to grit my teeth and move back west as soon as I can, but I actually love it.

Dough is SO GOOD. There’s a passionfruit one that turns me into a gibbering idiot. They also sell them at the coffee chain Konditori, if you can’t get out to the storefront.

It’s a bit far uptown, but I think the Cloisters are totally awesome - it’s where the Met keeps the majority of their medieval art, and the building is an amalgam of late medieval architecture. It’s really cool if you’re into that sort of thing, and they do concerts and have special exhibitions too. Also, if you’re

I LOVE the tenement museum. No one ever wants to go with me because it’s “dorky,” but eight-year-old me that read all the Dear America books thinks it’s The Shit.

See, in my ideal world they would just have everyone else die, except Daryl and Glen and Michonne can come too, but there is also a shirt virus and a pants virus and so they have to fight a bunch of zombies and I guess also evil bloodthirsty clothes wearing nothing but their undies.

She is so insanely beautiful and fit. There’s some scene when they’re at the prison and Michonne starts doing sit ups to keep in shape *fans self*

Love ASMR videos. Everyone thinks I’m insane but I just want to watch Russian women with nice manicures crinkle bags and fold towels.

Man butts are so square sometimes! I told Mr Parade that his looks likes two white castle sliders nestled together and I think he’s still made at me -__-

Fassbender, definitely.

That man looks like a thumb in a tiny cowboy hat.

Someone pointed out to me that “One Direction” sounds like a fascist youth orchestra and I’ve never been able to unsee it.

I definitely just started watching Sons of Anarchy entirely for the butts.

I feel really weird about the fact that I would totally sleep with him.