
I remember feeling 100% rational and reasonable and totally cool to make my own decisions about various situations. In retrospect, I had a lot of fun and really awesome friends, but man I did some stupid shit.

It took me a while to catch on - for ages I was convinced I was making a complete fool of myself, and then one day I realized a) I really wasn’t embarrassing myself in anyway and b) everyone around me is a way more embarrassing drunk. That doesn’t really help with the agonizing though :-\ At least I’m not the only one!

I use bar soap because unless you’re buying huge jugs of liquid soap to refill a dispenser it just seems like a huge waste of plastic, and in NYC who has room for giant jugs? I’ve never thought bar soap was gross and I work with MRSA, fwiw. It’s only gross when soap scum forms in the dish and gets beard hair stuck in

San Pelligrino is my (not very) cost effective beer substitute! I don’t like sweets at all, but there’s something savory about it that hits the same notes beer does. Whenever I’m Not Drinking I just buy a case of the damn stuff.

I drink 1-3 beers a night on weekdays: often just 1 if I was working late, but if I had an exam or want to blow off steam it’ll probably be three. I never, ever go out on Friday’s because I’m always too damn tired, so that’s a stay-in-and-have-3-beers night.

Eh as long as it’s advice and not a totalitarian command I’m down :) We’re just starting to think seriously about starting to try in the next few years, and I don’t have any close friends with kids so it’s good to hear other people’s light-sleeper, pro-/anti-/ambivalent-co-sleeping stories.

I’m a light sleeper and it’s one of my biggest worries about eventual procreation because I KNOW I’ll wake up at every cough, hiccup, and sneeze, while Mr. Parade sleeps soundly through screaming tantrums. I am not going to co-sleep, for my own goddamn sanity.

It is THE WORST to clean. I’ve found mummified dog barf in really appalling crevices of the poor car.

My pittie gets car sick, and once we took her out to the woods on the last day visiting Mr Parade’s family, drove back to NYC, and as soon as we got stuck in traffic she stuck her head in the cupholder and puked up a bunch of deer shit.

Those dogs are like some awful combination of Puritan morality and the Gestapo. Anti-dancing and they'll bust down the door to enforce it.

I think mine is perfect in every way, while freely admitting that he is a uniquely obnoxious animal. The patrolling is consistently hilarious, but the cats really resent it when he tries to herd them, and I wish he could accept that skateboards/rolling suitcases/people climbing trees/jaywalkers/happy frolicking

Agreed. My cattle dog is so intense that when he came back from the vet high on ketamine from getting stitches after a fight he picked, he wandered around the house attempting to growl out of every window while wobbling like a drunk fool. I was like, dude, chill, I can keep an eye on things without you, you're a dog.

My boss is actually really feminist in most ways - he makes a point to hire mostly women, works to increase opportunities for women in science, is supportive of maintaing a reasonable work-life balance, etc. - but once he told a colleague of mine that “Anchovy is a great worker, but she really needs to look happier

I think I was definitely working from a disadvantage because I’m liberal arts educated, from a big city, lots of international stuff on my resume. I’m pretty sure I was pegged as “Cold Liberal Bitch” from the beginning. It was just such a bizarre experience since I’m a pretty warm person in general and it’s taken work

The worst part is that I see so many women judge other women for their appearances. In my experience, a lot of older female scientists and doctors had to downplay their femininity to get by in a male dominated field in the 70s and 80s, and now that there is less pressure to do so they denigrate the up-and-coming women

This happens to Mr Parade and I ALL THE TIME. He’s French. He drinks a lot of wine. I like bitter beers. I don’t think anyone has ever correctly given him the wine.

I interviewed with a great medical school that had a campus in a rural/conservative area because I was interested in working with underserved populations, and was rejected. When I did the follow-up phone call to find out why, I was told I had “Great scores, great experience, but your responses to the questions were

Aaaahhh hot men with babies: irresistible. Lucky you :) There's a reason someone out there felt compelled to compile "DILFs of Disneyland."

Do you have a much broader "type" for one gender vs the other? I'm pansexual too, and broadly speaking, I go for a very specific masculine type (tall, lean, dark hair, big nose a huge plus) and a very broad feminine type with a lot of grey area around it. Attraction is weird -__-

Forearms are hot. Especially a white button down shirt pushed up to reveal nice forearms. Ditto for nice necks.