
Me too. I've always been fascinated by relationships where the couple is together, but not a unit - I know Frida Kahlo & Diego Rivera's marriage isn't exactly role model material, but the fact that they lived in separate-but-adjacent houses and both had other relationships while still being undeniably into each other

My cat tries to eat my face now! I think she bits my chin to see if I'm alive enough to bat her away. The day I don't it'll be goodbye, face.

I think she was saying not many people come out as bisexual because it's not an "accepted" sexuality in a lot of circles (people assuming bisexuals are promiscuous, incapable of monogamy, doing it for attention) and that the problem is reinforced by people who ARE perceived as promiscuous/looking for attention being

Shower: every other day, unless it's summer and I just want to stand under cold water. Hair wash: every other shower, because my limp white girl hair looks waaaay better with 2+ days of dry shampoo in it.

It's faded now, but when we were younger she was walking around with an honest-to-god pizza outline on her upper thigh, curved crust and all.

I was maybe 18? So drinking was definitely a full time career at that point.

One of my best friends has a triangle shaped scar from dropping a slice of pizza cheese side down on her thigh. That's the best improbable injury to object ratio, but forearm vs mattress is also impressive.

Once I was really drunk unloading the dishwasher and dropped the blade from a food processor on my foot. I was so wasted I tied a gym sock around it, called a friend and demanded she take me to the ER ("when we're soberer!"), and went to bed. I had nightmares I was trapped in a carnival with a profusely bleeding foot

Mr Parade finally surmounted the barrier of feminist trying (machismo is apparently the downside of growing up in southern europe) and is now, I guess, a reverse-academic feminist? He's pro-equality, anti-catcalling, will happily stay home and write books while I work, etc., but he presents as very macho: drives a

My mom left my Green Day poster up in my childhood bedroom until LAST YEAR. She thought it was funny and refused to take it down. She still calls me when they're in the news.

I was real badass!

Revisiting pre-teen crushes is always a little squicky. They don't age well.

I really hope so! Dogs are really good at sensing grief, usually, and sometimes just crying on someone who is ~present~ without needing to talk or justify yourself helps a lot. Take the dog out, let yourself mourn, maybe spend some downtime putting together a memorial. Our vet gave us a copy of the rainbow bridge

The first 3 months or so I could only sleep over if I washed his sheets and vacuumed. Granted, Mr Parade hates vacuuming and laundry so it was pretty damn gross - I think my weekly vacuuming was the ONLY vacuuming, ever, and that kept it under control. After about 9 months we moved in together, and I only noticed the

I used to be moderately allergic to cats, and then I met Mr Parade, who had 4 when we got together and two when we moved in together. My symptoms were always a severely itchy face, watery, itchy eyes, and the constant feeling that I had fuzz up my nose. I've found that exposure to an individual cat really lessens my

When my cat died, I was a spontaneously crying wreck for months. It was about 6 months before I could talk about cats, that cat, orange cats, the color orange, large fluffy cats, etc. without bursting into tears. I cried at a green tin of tea because his ashes were given to me in a green tin. It gets better with time,

As an enthusiastically bi person, Only Lovers Left Alive was a very special movie.

As I mentioned below, a gift card to an independent bookstore is awesome! I've gotten cards to Powell's in Portland, Eliot Bay Books in Seattle, and The Strand in NYC and it's much more special than an amazon card - you get to go and browse, and you are supporting an independent business.

Depending where you are, a gift card to an independent bookstore is an awesome present because it's so fun to go and browse, so it's more of an event than just ordering offline, AND you support independent businesses.

Not a vegan any more, but I loved the Veganomicon back in the day. also runs a bunch of different vegetarian/vegan columns and is fun to browse, if you're looking for free/online. Alice Water's The Art of Simple Food isn't strictly veg but has a lot of adaptable recipes and lots that are accidentally