
i just went the neon bandana route because i'm an overprotective mother and it looks cute.

this is so a problem with brindle dogs too, they go camo in the woods at night. and then you're the moron yelling their name while they sit at your feet and stare at you.

My black kitten has a serious case of crazy eyes but she's still a total sweetie for a rescued alleycat.

Beardy Mr. Parade is going as Rasputin and I'm going to try to pull together some sort of modernized Anastasia look. That, or I'm going as a mod vampire with no eyebrows. Mostly because I want an excuse to try out a no-eyebrows tutorial I found, and to buy and cute shift.

i don't know but my pittie specifically hunts down and destroys disposable razors. not reusable ones, but every. single. disposable razor in the apartment is shredded the second she gets into the bathroom.

does anyone have any experiences with managing anxiety or depression they can share? or even how to differentiate between run-of-the-mill, situational bad feelings and something being seriously wrong? i'm dealing with a situation where i constantly feel on edge, nauseous, and like something is Unspecified Wrong. if i

My engagement ring is Art Deco; it was my fiance's great-grandmothers. It's more of a dome shape, rather than flat, but it's got all the fancy scrollwork and shiny little swirly bits. Perfect for me because a) I'm ethically a little meh about new diamonds and b) not a fan of the poke-your-eye-out,

seconded. she is so good and i don't want to just talk about her cleavage, but i do want to talk about her fantastic, mesmerizing cleavage. it's like it's floating upwards!

How do you feel about bookshelf snooping? Mister Parade and I have definitely argued whether or not it's appropriate to immediately snoop the books the first time you're in someone's place. I agree that it is a great way to find out more about someone, but potentially rude if they walk in and you're snickering at all

Mister Parade is snooty and The Bookshelf (floor to ceiling former built-ins for $50, thanks craigslist) may only display social theory & anthro, philosophy, classic literature, and any miscellaneous high-falutin type books lurking around. Everything he deems embarrassing (fantasy, sci-fi, comics, Clan of the

Does anyone have advice for low-budget ways to entertain myself in nyc? Mister Parade is halfway through a month-long trip without me and I'm getting into a rut. Apparently, even baths and manicures get old after a while, and I'm worried I'm starting to fill the void with mindless entertainment. Not that there's

when i get depressed or even just run-of-the-mill emo i have no will to cook or eat. that, plus a tendency to be nauseous in the morning and late at night has led me to: smoothies! somehow sipping seems like less of an ordeal than eating when i'm overcome by emo, and you can really pack a lot of calories into a

seconded. i woke up with cat fur in my mouth this morning. did not want.

we lost heat for a week last winter and it was pretty much snugglefest2013. especially because i may have gotten a thriftshop cashmere sweater for the pitmutt, poor baby gets cold.

oh lord are his ears really longer than his legs?

so does my twenty five pound pit mix! it's the cutest because it's so loud and she's so small!

I'm in The City and absolutely love it here, I think I just got the short end of the stick, workplace wise. I actually would love to stay here long-term, but I think I need some like-minded friends pronto.

Well, as I said in some of my earlier responses, I actually make a point of not flaunting my weirdness, because the whole obscurer-than-thou game gets old fast, and it was actually when I started to feel comfortable around my coworkers and started sharing more about my life and interests that I started to get this

Gasworks park is beautiful! So is Alki beach, and then you can go to the Swinery for an awesome sandwich. In the summer there's a water taxi from downtown to Alki, so you could do the beach and Pike Place pretty easily.