
I'd say both. She's at that lanky stage of being a kitten where she's all legs and ears and tail, but even more so because she's so thin. She's definitely underweight and probably has worms, but right now she's too busy purring and chasing string and using the litterbox like a champ to care. I think she's going to be

Congratulations! You must be so excited, and it's wonderful, and now it's given me this idea that Prince Harry is some sort of living fertility charm which I also find very appealing, because of course he would be, right?

I did a yogurt mask for my hair and it worked great, but DON'T ADD BANANA. Someone told me it would strengthen my hair, but really it made me spend an hour trying to get grainy mashed banana out of my hair, and I smelled like baby food for a day. I'm a huge fan of the apple cider vinegar rinse to add shine and prevent

To share something great that happened today:

That's pretty much what it comes down to. I also genuinely like my boss and think he is a good guy and very flexible in a lot of ways, and I understand the constraints faced by researchers in academic in a mediocre economy. There is also a very prevalent attitude of, "well, that's just what you do in academia..."

It's something similar for me, but we're supposed to be able to choose between CTO and time and a half. The problem is, we're so god damn busy (we're pretty understaffed and have two techs supervising 6 students AND working on multiple long term projects) that I just can't take time off for the foreseeable future

I'm actually in the middle of agonizing about something similar at my job. Hourly wages in a unionized position where I'm supposed to make time and a half if I work more than 7 hours in a day. Buuuut...our lab has a limited budget and my boss has basically told me he won't approve any overtime, ever (which I found out

this will probably only touch fellow four-eyes folk, but here goes: i got glasses at age seven, and they were huge, and every morning until i started middle school my dad would take them out of my room before i woke up, wash them, and leave them folded on my napkin at the breakfast table. it's such a silly little

i'm not as broke as i could be in nyc, mostly thanks to living in brooklyn, sharing a one-bedroom apartment with my partner, and working too much to have time to party, but there are definitely some things that save my ass financially. "eating out" is mostly dominican food (2+ meals worth of food for $5!) or dim sum

tokyomilk is the greatest! i have one of the sets for layering and it is heaven: a vial of patchouli, one of lemongrass and sage, and one of cedar. so not as hippie as it sounds, wonderful, i am obsessed.

a friend of mine was living with her boyfriend of four years and one morning while they were sitting on the couch drinking coffee he turned to her and said, "I don't love you anymore" and left that afternoon. needless to say, she was a wreck.

i'm marrying this fall at twenty-five and have gotten SO MANY RAISED EYEBROWS. am i sure? isn't twenty five a little young? most people don't marry until thirty here, so chic! so civilized!

jerk chicken, sweet plantains and rice and beans! and dogfish head ipa. i cheated though, <3 nyc and the dominican place across the street. they are just so much better at rice and beans than i will ever be, i have no illusions.

I saw a rat get mushed by the L yesterday. As in, tube-of-toothpaste, nice-knowing-you-rat, complete obliteration. It was fairly scarring but I'm too bitter about past infestations to sincerely root for a rat.

I find it helpful to remember that all crushes go away, eventually, and you are left standing there feeling silly wondering, "and why did this person make me feel so excited?" while your wonderful significant other continues doing whatever it is that makes them wonderful. it's so totally normal to get giddy about

anyone have recommendations for a salon in nyc or brooklyn that'll do a bang-up job with unmistakeably unnatural hair colors? i want to go green, but mossier and with more tonal variation than i think i can pull of myself with manic panic and the shower. any advice would be awesome!

should i watch this show? i really love post-apocalyptic everything, zombies always, and it seems like a lot of people like it, but tv acting can just be so...bad. i really wanted to love game of thrones because i'm the sort of person who wants to walk around in fur and gowns and order beheadings and feasts, but i

so as a self-proclaimed dog person, with two pups i adore and have very profound connections with, i can confidently say: i love my cat. and i am still mourning my cat that passed in december. it's just very, very different relationships. both of my dogs would pull me from a burning building. or at least try, honestly

i'm so glad to hear you two are happy! i think it's easy to be in a relationship when things are going well, but being able to deal with hard times and not snap at each other or toss around blame (and still make time to enjoy each others' company) is really important. i've actually been getting a little bit of grief

if you are flashy check out black milk clothing. they're pricy, but honestly you can spend as much for those abominations known as "jeggings" and these are far more flattering - a reasonably thick fabric that makes *everything* look good, but isn't too hot, minimizes thigh rub, comes in whackadoo prints like