
There are tons of other instances of women's choices that aren't Palin that can be discussed as potential unfeminist. The choice to take your husband's last name when you get married, wear high heels/engage in body hair removal, the decision to consume problematic entertainment, and so on.

I think you're arguing about something that's not what I'm talking about. My issue is with the idea that feminism is, at heart, about choices. It is about equality.

I didn't say I don't think the choice to be a housewife cannot be undertaken by a feminist—I absolutely do not believe that. I said I think that feminism is not, at heart, about supporting women's choices without critique simply because they are women's choices. For example, I thought the comments on the one article

Choices are critically important, of course, but thousands of women make choices that are not inherently feminist. Consider Sarah Palin's career, for example—she has made choices about her politics and life, but as they restrict other women's options, they are not feminist. Feminism at its heart is about creating

No, it isn't. Feminism is equalizing the gap between genders and removing gender-based stereotypes. I don't think anybody is necessarily failing their gender because of being a SAHM, but choice is not, nor should it be, the bottom line of feminism.

Feminism absolutely does not mean making whatever choice you want. I think that being a housewife is fine if that's your thing, but the fact that a woman is making a choice is not inherently feminist.

Haha, I actually do this all the time. I'm a pretty hardcore cosplayer so my entire FB is just awesome pictures of me dressed up. Looking at pictures of my past costumes help get my ass in gear for the next one, and also give my body image a nice boost if I'm feeling down on myself.

I had a little guy named Travis that refused to go in the wheel for years no matter how much I tried to show him how to do it. He was almost 3 when I came home one day to find him running away like it was no big deal. After that he ran basically nonstop. I always wondered what it was that made him be like, "Ehhh,

If your work isn't graphically-based, you could try a program called f.lux, it's free and it shifts the lighting on the screen depending on the time of day. I love it but unfortunately as an artist I really can't use it much.

Caffeine and gin, generally.

It's fucking weird. Somebody told me the other day that I'm waaaaaay too young to be married—I'm fucking 27! I don't consider myself to be old either but come on.

Hehe, my relatives are all quiiiiiiiite aware that I'm the 'weirdo' of the family, no shocker when I didn't go with tradition. My immediate family is fucking awesome though, my mother-in-law also kept her name and when I said I was going to keep mine as well, she just nodded approvingly. I actually think my coworkers

I can't stand that argument. I think it's just people feeling the need to justify their decision to take their husband's name when they know that the tradition is sexist. My dad might have had the name first, but it's still MY name.

Haha, my husband is literally a Steele and I still didn't want to do it. I had thoughts like "Yeah... Steele is a cool name, def cooler than mine. Butttttttt...nah, it's still not mine." Awesomely enough, though, his mother didn't change her name, either. So when I said I wasn't going to change mine, she nodded at me

I usually say "Because feminism." That stopped all the older ladies at my work in a flash, haha!

Ahahahah holy shit, too fucking funny.

Fuck yeah, we went to Door County all the time when I was younger. When I was a kid I didn't care if we were in Milan or whatever, I just liked going somewhere different and fancy. Although I have to confess I've lived in Wisconsin for my entire 27 years and I have still not been to the Dells even once.

I work at as a t-shirt designer and I am so motherfucking tired of KEEP CALM AND BLAAAAAAAA (although at least most of the ones that I'm asked to do aren't quite this horrid). Before this there was Peace, Love, Whatever and iShirt and shit like that so I know that this too shall pass, but come onnn. Keep calm and come

Have you directly told her that that information is google-able? I'd say if you jump straight to lmgtfy it's kind of mean. But if you've directly said "look, this is how I find that for you, you can do it yourself" and she persists, go nuts. I dunno about bullying, though, haha.

My dad told me he saw a movie called Big Eden that was pretty much this. I haven't seen it so I can't vouch for quality, but he said part of the conceit of the movie is that nobody in this small town cares even one whit that the guys are gay and people keep kind of trying to match-make the two guys. It sounded pretty