Awful Man

This woman was administered the HPV vaccine in the last 3 months.

My point was actually about your ridiculous assumption that the child was 'groomed' to be female from age 2. I made a brief point about referring to a person as 'it' (ie. It's fucking disgusting and you are an idiot if you ever think that's acceptable. A child is not an object.)

When a child is born, they are denoted a 'sex' based on genital configuration. Anything after that is a completely different matter, but we as a society accept that a baby is born and the people in the room look for either a penis or vagina and immediately dub that new human 'male' or 'female' based on their findings.

By local standards, they are fat.

What are you talking about? No person is ever 'it'. English only really directly identifies people by gender.

But it's ok to witch hunt people because a story 'feels' true to you? How is this ok?

The thing is you keep saying that this 'rings true' to you and that's simply not a case for prosecution. Whether he is or isn't guilty, the evidence isn't there and you can't throw a person in prison because they 'feel' guilty.

The holy trinity of awesome demons.

The exception is not the rule. We have a system that may not be perfect, but it is less bad than the alternative. He was acquitted and there's no real evidence to say he shouldn't have been. You have no right to continue making accusations. It may not ruin his life, but this way of thinking sure as hell ruins others.

manboobz is a good resource for the current goings on in MRA and PUA circles.


He was great in Adaptation and Lord of War?

I used to know a paramedic who told stories.

I'm not, but i think anyone who has lived in a country that a) is on average shorter and b) has no stigma about blurting comments about a person's appearance will have more or less the exact same experience.

Ah... see, he chose that one because he loves the hell out of the comic.

I'm 6'1" and get the same thing.

I wholeheartedly, unashamedly, FUCKING LOVE Nic Cage.

"these days you can order an underaged girl as quickly as a pizza."

Dear Super Athlete Homosexuals,

You don't need to be a queer to know that Depeche Mode was a pretty sweet band.