er... maybe? This is all very strange to me.
er... maybe? This is all very strange to me.
Once again, I am reminded of the power of the Kinsey Scale.
That’s really not such an unpopular opinion.
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story. If it’s like 80% truth and 20% Good Story Sauce, then I’m completely fine wht that.
This is almost indistinguishable from a real post. I’m genuinely impressed.
The Australian accent can be utterly terrible to listen to, depending on who is speaking.
Excellent band makes a song about the best animal.
Goat cheese is a gift from the Goats
So instead of trying to tell adults what they are allowed to do for jobs, or watch in their spare time, or what fantasies they are allowed to have, we should be investing in education.
The industry might do that. It might be nice if it did that, but the industry has no responsibility to do that. There doesn’t need to be any legal mandate forcing them to do it, especially when in those situations, “safe” sex is anything but.
Actually, don’t fuck this guy. Please, nobody fuck this guy.
Yes. This. Thank you Josh.
Adults can distinguish fantasy from reality.
I was really surprised at how much I enjoyed Unbreakable.
Alternate names for this article:
George was an un-likeable jerk before it was cool.
Hmmm... Putting it in the “Relic Room” seems like a good idea. It’s a relic of local history.
Murderers don’t have moral high ground.
I don’t. He’s a terrible excuse for humanity, but when we start killing people we don’t like, we become what we hate.