Awful Man

To be fair, Gattaca is a rad movie.

It's only a little kick in the bum.

This is a really interesting argument. I'm going to have to actually go and read some stuff for the first time in a long time. I haven't read bell hooks for a decade and now I remember why I liked her stuff.

I feel bad for all the shit this guy is going to get. This sort of romanticising is pretty common and it should hopefully abate once he actually meets real girls who he likes and stuff.

I... dislike Yoko Ono.

Big, strong, macho man chiming in.

When my brother was in preschool, someone mentioned the existence of gayness in some respect. He came home and asked me what it was. It went something like:

You forgot to write 'whore' or 'N Count' at any point in your reply.

"Plus sized" is an industry term that has no bearing on actual weight or size in real life. It means someone who is usually size 12 or higher. The fact that "size 12" can be pretty variable and that a person's size will vary hugely according to height makes a lot of difference. Lawley is over 6 feet tall, so there's a

BEST. Friends.

That quote is the funniest thing I've read in a week. That's AMAZING.

This picture has been employed for two wonderful years as my single reply to people hiding behind 'god's love' in order to excuse their assholery.

Australia or New Zealand. They aren't perfect, but the weather is nice and the government is only mildly cold, callous, and evil.

He's a racist and a misogynist and an all around shit bag.

You are a master of comedy.

I went to North Carolina for a few weeks to visit a friend a few years back. I was told it was the sane Carolina, the nice South. Even my South Carolinan neighbour years later agreed that the North was vastly more stable and uncrazy.

You can like his music all you like and you definitely have a point that he would get a lot less bullshit if he weren't an outspoken black man.

where are you, George? We need you!

He made a mistake and he learned from it.

So glad this is becoming something of a 'meh' issue.