Zaphod's Heart of Gold

I haven’t found fresca in months

I have become very good at weeding out the scammers and people who are a pain to deal with on CL. At this point I only respond to people who type (text or email, I don’t do phone calls until after first interactions) complete thoughts in coherent ways. No jumbled up words, no half-thoughts, no “still have?”....I don’t

fun fact!

Same, basically

I come here for Torch and Tracy at this point....and sometimes to shit on Erik. I started here in about 2013 with Demuro and Tavarish doing their goofiness and got hooked, have been coming back since and finally joined the commentariat about 4 years ago. I still enjoy Jalopnik but the host of sites has only diminished

steel won’t turn brittle (in an absolute sense) but it will be very weak. Usable steels are quenched and tempered to varying degrees depending on composition. This means they are formed, rapidly cooled, then heated to specific temperatures for specific times then cooled in a controlled way to hit certain mechanical

I almost commented over there yesterday on Tom Ley’s intro post that they should rescue Jalopnik

My services are available for a nominal fee

More cars need fun colors. Kudos on highlighter yellow, it adds some fun into an otherwise bland color scheme. I want to replace all the red outlined decals on my Jeep with lime green which should stand out nicely against the metallic charcoal paint.

I don’t think someone on the line just did this, I believe it was some form of manager who though he understood engineering that went and bought a bunch of material on the company dime and gave directive to cut and install it.  This, IMO, does not reek of a line worker solution and they likely do not have any material

12k miles....that’s seriously low expectations.

He needs to take alex smith with him...

I know how to play, I’ve said many times that I would not buy a car (or could not afford it) but the price was right.

Many possibilities.  Asian import, alaskan rescue, bringing it home from enough details (here at least, I’m not on IG or anything else to follow him).  I’ve been told it’s an epic project and have offered engineering help if/when required

So....just overnight parts from Japan?

Like a twix, two for me none for you.

ND for me. If this was a manual 240 I’m all in, or a 740 or 850 wagon maybe, but this is just a pedestrian “an car”.  I can do better for my 4k

I made mention of that.

Not 90 grand, 900 grand.

GFM is also a huge pipeline of money for people trying to beat caner