I disagree. It’s not an unfinished project, it’s half way to the crusher already. This looks eerily similar to most cars in the local pull your own part junk yards around me
I disagree. It’s not an unfinished project, it’s half way to the crusher already. This looks eerily similar to most cars in the local pull your own part junk yards around me
If you can't beat em, sweetums
So you’re advocating for slavery? Because I’m not
Yep, but this is the internet and WE HAVE OPINIONS.
you’ve clearly thought yourself into a pretzel.
You’re right, I’m the stereotypical liberal southerner with a personal income that exceeds the household median and doubles when my wife is included.
You can like ugly cars because of the badge, that’s fine. If this was a Mustang you’d shit all over it.
And how the fuck does an arbitrary tariff solve any of that? It’s taxing imports....none of that goes to the workers. I would prefer import prices be higher due to higher labor costs which would make manufacturing in the US more viable.
When there are multiple radio options but the most taken is the biggest and most expensive, when there is an option for adaptive cruise or not and most people opt for it, when there is an option for blind spot monitoring and 3d camera views or not and most people opt for it....that is consumer demand.
I never said anything of the sort. I want all people to earn a living wage and the costs of goods that come out of that are what they are.
I said nothing about functionality or speed. It does not have the understated elegance of an Aston.
I’m sure the entire car is functional. Doesn’t mean it’s pretty
Carbon fiber is plastic, and those side skirts are awful
/s not needed
It’s okay, I forgive you
That one is a mess too, moreso because it’s supposed to be mass production, but that does not absolve the issues with this one. Astons should have an elegance and balance to them. This one feels forced and gaudy.
Didn’t think I’d say this about current Aston but.....swing and a miss.
If the regular lemonade didn’t have a ton of sugar in it why would they offer a diet lemonade RIGHT NEXT TO THE REGULAR ONE?
Our most recent arbitrary tariff on materials sourced out of Asia. It has caused some pretty substantial jumps in cost where I work
Who knew 5,000lbs of steel, aluminum, and plastic, 14 air bags, 5 screens, sensors and cameras 360* around, proprietary and licensed software, 20" wheels, and 400hp engines could cost so much?