Probably in the same dark hole that good Regular Show games are stored in.
Probably in the same dark hole that good Regular Show games are stored in.
Jeez, AC3 and Watchdogs? That’s a pretty depressing lineup. I’m not sure who was a worse protagonist Connor, or Aiden.
I mean, it makes sense to strike him from the community contributor program, but copyright claims are way over the line. Hell, most copyright claims are bullshit anyway.
This was pretty damn awesome! Love that people are able to experience games, even with various handicaps.
Hey, Listen! Because today Navi, you shall pay for your crimes against Hylians everywhere.
Ha! I love it! It’d be awesome to see someone like Guile, military haircut and all, crammed into cammy’s outfit.
That’s priceless. It’s a generational maze. 300 go in, 2100 come out in 200 years.
Interesting, I might try that. I’ve been using a little butter for mine.
I completely agree with him, as I’ve never seen the point of view of the average blue collar American who is also super rich and good looking. Can’t imagine why the common filthy rich blue collar guy pov is hard to find.
Wasn’t the first game the one that you could kill the final boss in under a minute at the beginning of the game with npcs doing all the heavy lifting?
Wow, that’s kind of insane. Most speedruns don’t interest me at all, but crazy playthroughs like this are my jam. Just like the person who reached the level cap with his pandaren never leaving the wandering isle.
Well, at least I can get even for Aeris now.
This is a stupid question, but why exactly are the rounds expensive? The guns I’ve fired used a solid ferrous projectile as an ammunition source. If they aren’t explosive, what exactly is special about them?
So that’s why some athletes seem kind of dumb, their head is made of cardboard. Sweet dreams!
God damn, what the hell is wrong with people? I could care less if you take nude pics, because seriously, I think everyone has at least once. What I don’t get, is why people think violating other people’s privacy is ok.
This is pretty awesome! I had never heard of these things before, nor did I know that the pro scene will do about anything for an edge. Most of the people I know that did any drugs for gaming was either, weed to chill them out, or well...meth to keep them playing a long time.
It’s just painfully dumb. Did these people all fail geography/american history? o.O
I’m not sure what is worse, calling slaves “immigrants” or current immigrants now wondering if they are going to be enslaved?
Agreed, it’s tone deaf and just a dumb attempt at humor. It’s things like this, where they make fun of things from other cultures because they are different.