
Hur hur, them thar ethnic names is all funny. I guess it wasn’t done by white people in blackface at least.

Holy fuck, it was literally ‘show us your hands’ and gunshot at the same time. Thank you body camera for showing us this insanity.

Damn, that is just...unbelievably cruel. The journal she kept just makes it even more sad. Hopefully they get her in prison and the father too if he had a part in this.

These laws are so great! I mean, you don’t even have to do a damn thing for cops to charge you with resisting arrest, and it’s illegal to film cops in more and more states. High five for the police state! *edit: I forgot them using asset forfeiture to people who dare protest in the states.

I know right? What else would a machine gun fire, other than projectiles?

Here is my question for you, was Desmond better or worse than Aiden Pearce? Ubisoft seems to have a knack for creating terrible, terrible player characters.

From those, I’m going to go with James sunderland. He straight up killed his wife, creates an entire hellscape for himself, fights his own demons, and in the end finds out a dog masterminded his whole tragic life.

That happened to a friend of mine, who got a woman who wanted to speak to him about a wetsuit, because “he swam from cuba to get to america”.

God damn, it’s like a racist caricature come to life. As a white person, he makes me hang my head in shame. FUCK THE SOUTH.

I’m white, and I’ve marched in support of black lives matter. Does this bother me? Not a bit. I don’t think of the movement as more relevant because of white support, I just think of myself as another protestor in a massive group.

Ugh, I really really dislike that person. I’m not even sure who he speaks for, other than himself, and possibly a real doll.

Good for them! It’s important to take a stand for what you believe in. That seems a lot more important than the big protest I had organized against the removal of books and banning of mtg due to satanic connotations.

As a jewish woman, this act of vandalism sickens me. I do however feel great about these wonderful activists, from another marginalized religion, helping out. We all have to stick together to get through all the hate out there.

I dug this game until the big reveal, which I was like ok, maybe this can still be good...

I never even thought about that. That’s a cool trick they are using now. :)

It’s sad to hear of any murder, even that of a terrible person. I’m sure though that whenever he does meet his maker, it should be a funny story explaining he was super racist in that deities name, while said deity just thinks, did you actually know anything about me?

I have to disagree. For me, the timer ruined the fun of these games. I remember playing the first one and thinking oh man, exploring this huge place fighting zombies and psychos, this is awesome. The constant otis beeps, the timers just sucked the fun out of it for me. The same with two, I didn’t give a shit about

Ah yes, randomized randomization of items. I remember the worst I had experienced years back, where we were doing throne of the four winds in warcraft, and this caster sword dropped, and it had a terrible modifier. So I tried again and again, never getting it. To this day, I hate that place.

You deleted my save file? Great joke friend! Now let me show you a trick with this link cable....

Finally, I can turn the piles of gold from AH fun into something useful.