This is the first time I’ve seen this truck, and honestly despite the issue it had in the mud, I’d gladly take it in my winter shithole of michigan.
This is the first time I’ve seen this truck, and honestly despite the issue it had in the mud, I’d gladly take it in my winter shithole of michigan.
Everyone knows that there were 930,000 fans there in attendance (the silverdome being legendary for stacking fans in 4 dimensional seating arrangements) where Hulk Hogan bodyslammed the 7.9 ton Andre the Giant so hard it broke car windows in Monroe.
Incidentally the same reason many women choose male characters, and don’t use voice chat. Being something else than the assumed base is opening yourself up to harassment at best.
Wow. As for why judas was black, I’m guessing they just had that mannequin in storage for all their mock lynching needs.
As a kid, I was like whoa, you can play the princess AND she’s better than Mario? Blew my mind.
Petty theft is generally charged as a Class A misdemeanor in Tennessee, which is punishable by up to one year in jail and a fine of up to $2,500.
Truly, the danger in Hope County is not the Eden’s Gate cult, but in fact the secret avian overlords. I for one, welcome our new turkey overlords.
She was all into the whole “will to power” crap. Personally, I doubt she ever actually read Nietzsche at all. She was definitely crazy.
She thought that they were just the best people you can imagine. She was all into the whole “will to power” crap. They killed lots of people, so obviously they were dynamic and awesome. She was definitely a wall candy type.
To be fair, Manson and Bundy got LOTS of fan mail, propositions, and all that. My ex-spouse just loved writing to serial killers and sending naked photos. It was fucked up. I agree with you on the internet. I have seen acts and insanity all across the net since the days of dial up BBS. You would think people would be…
They killed this poor guy? JFC, this is nuts. When are people going to realize this is a serious epidemic of police violence? Let me guess, when they start gunning down white people?
All hail Mr. Carlson! For truly he is the white savior we need to end racism.
OK, so for a country as progressive and advanced as Wakanda was, it’s dumb as shit to decide who’s going to lead it by having a bunch of dudes play Wakandan Ninja Warrior on a slippery mountaintop.
The girl I was partnered with for ap physiology had dreads, and her hair smelled like a mixture of sweat, and garbage. Sorry fellow white people, we should never have dreads.
I’m sure he was radicalized by mother jones and the daily kos. After all, we all know that liberals are famous bombmakers.
I dunno, it sounds pretty normal to me. Black guy = criminal, at least according to cops. I know I often mistake cell phones for guns, assume every black guy is up to no good, and that anyone approaching a cop is always armed.
Ah ha, I’m on to you Mr. Hughes....or should I say Mr. Jeremy Renner!
Two of them actually. Just under Iron Man’s left hand as well as the character from Black Panther.
This movie blew my mind. It’s not high cinema or anything, but god damn was it fun! My partner and I have watched this thing about a dozen times. It’s a great movie to grab some liquor, and some snacks and just have a blast. I’m with you on justice league. I’ve watched it three times now. Not because I like it, but…
This message paid for by the evil midnight bomber what bombs at midnight PAC.