
I always believed he did it yeah. I also believed that LAPD did their best to fuck him over. I’m the same on all murderers though.

Selling loose cigarettes = death. Deliberately making someone sick and ruining their belongings? Rehab.

I’ve known a lot of evangelicals, and this does seem like the stuff I’ve seen. Those strongly held beliefs get twisted into a gordian knot to justify the actions of those they are told to support. It’s really kind of disturbing how religion gets manipulated to support politics or church business, and people go along

Heh, yeah. Especially those with moral failings and the money to send us because they “believe” in our message.

Wow, that story is fucked up. I had hoped after the mummy he was going to be in a lot of high profile movies, and he eventually dropped off the radar a bit. I figured he had retired, until I saw him in something a few years back.

Well, I have always liked the mummy series, but it’s probably Monkeybone of all movies. Not sure why, but it’s always been a sentimental favorite. I swear he was on Duckman (criminally underrated show) once too.

God damn it, I knew I hated something about Black Panther. It was too good at it’s message. Man, I long for the days of shitty movie messages again.

He’s less a villain and more of an antihero. His means to that end however, were not great, but he’s a sympathetic character. I honestly was bummed out when he died, because I thought he would have been an interesting adviser to T’Challa. Balancing the need to help the oppressed with the wisdom of not starting world

Oh no worries there, as a teen in michigan in the 90s I got PLENTY of attention from other students. A few teachers were complicit too, because fuck non conformists apparently.

Glad to know I would have been ignored as a student today, just as I was 20+ years ago. I think they may have finally upgraded those old apple iic’s at my school, so that’s about the only progress I see. People focus on transwomen like myself, but transmen have it bad too. In their case, you have a guy in the women’s

That would be an outhouse at a ren faire.

I always find it amusing when people freak out because our ancestors had dark skin. Our species came from Africa, so why is it so damn hard to reconcile the fact all of our ancestors were originally black?

Not bad, but if they give me Far Cry 3 as well, I’d really want blood dragon as well. Because that game is fucking awesome. If those expansions are as crazy as blood dragon was, it’ll be the first game in a long time where I’d buy the season pass.

Wow, damn. Nice to see that no one is immune to being brought down, but of course for every notable person that gets outed as a criminal, there are tons of unknowns that keep on being disgusting pieces of human garbage.

That’s the part that hit me the hardest. Top down corruption, cover ups, and straight up setups. You’d be better off asking the mafia to handle policing than most of these cops. What’s even worse is they are not only faking crimes, planting evidence and murdering people, they are using civil asset forfeiture to enrich

Nearly every other day there is a school shooting, or a mass shooting somewhere else. Luckily for us this just means the gun manufacturers are doing good business, and after all what’s good for business is good for America.

Wow, that’s uh...yeah. I was taught that Columbus was a great guy who discovered America because he was passionate about exploring and was loved by the natives. Every. Single. Bit. was untrue. The man landed in the Caribbean, was motivated by greed and was a rapist, murderer, and slaver.

I agree. He’s a relic of a more crass past, so let him lie alone and forgotten behind a dumpster somewhere.

The highest I ever paid for a game was I think Chrono Trigger and Secret of Mana, both of which cost me $70 I believe. If only my uncle’s cousin, who had a roommate that totally worked at Nintendo! Can...can I sit at the cool kids table now?