
Seriously, fuck this practice, and fuck the assholes who do it to others. It’s fucking despicable. Our community faces harassment and threats of violence daily, it’s even worse when your family hates who you are. I’m lucky my immediate family was accepting, while my extended family cut ties with me. It was very

I’m just glad only that one person was really hurt. (and hurt very badly I might add). That could have been incredibly deadly. Like that incident last year in Vegas where some lady plowed through a ton of people.

The sad part is, I’ve heard this argument from Hillary backers over and over. It can’t be that they are agreement with his positions, it must be because they have some sort of crush on him. I know I get flak from my friends who support her, that I’m not doing my womanly duty or whatever to support her. As I’ve said

Damn it, why isn’t this game better? I need more things with Kamala in it. She fucking rules.

I knew it! Those portals would spell the end of the universe. I lost the bet on the LHC being the end, but this..this is exactly it! #doomsday2016

I’ll never forget walking into the engineering lab in 10th grade, and seeing a giant ascii dick on every computer. I swear there were like a million dick puns on the screen too. Our teacher was soooooooo pissed. (Of course, we likely got it because we used the lan to play quake and brought in mods and stuff)

I approve of this. Now if only you could do this for everything. A deathclaw tackling you for the kill, and it slaps it against for that last little bit of humiliation.

Cooking Mama: Iron Chef Edition

Well, no need to yell my caps locked friend. If they weren’t relegated to second class status, then perhaps the revenue stream would get wider, then it’ll become a river, which will turn into an ocean, carrying ships that bear...female football revenue.

You have won the internets! I salute you. ^.^

Our women’s team is actually pretty damn good. Even better when you are comparing them to the men. The astroturf issue is a serious one, as the particles from that shit cause lung problems. Also since the women are paid much less, it’s even more bullshit. You pay the winning team far less? That makes a ton of sense.

Heh, cranky Hillary is cranky. I’d love to see a complete dickbag in the whitehouse again. Like my man LBJ. (if you want to know why, just look him up, and let the laughter begin)

It’s time for people to stand up, without any stigma and be able to say, I was raped. I can say from personal experience, the stigma regarding it is immense. You are made to feel ashamed even if you tell someone. In my case, they didn’t believe it and thought I was some kind of prostitute.

Fuck the (rent a) police, fuck the (rent a) police.

So, the backlash actually worked. I’m impressed. I’m sure losing lots of followers and subscribers helped change their mind in a hurry.

Call me when they’ve got a female version of this. I guess in the mean time, we have those crazy hydraulic machines that are like jackhammers. Not to be confused with Jackhammer Jesus.

Heh, keep it up dumbasses. I’m waiting for that bill to get passed, just so I can enjoy the stories of these kids going directly to federal prison, do not pass go, do not collect $200, and do not drop the soap.

Shouldn’t he have gone to the police once he suspected embezzlement? A video message is nice, but doesn’t have that what’s it called? Legal backing and standing, oh right. If they really did do it, then the cops will investigate and determine guilt.

I never really got into Superman. It was mainly because he was essentially invulnerable. There is no real tension in fights between Superman and his enemies. I do like when heroes are challenged in different ways to thwart their strength. Like say they kidnap Lois, or Jimmy. Superman can’t just punch his way through

One correction for you, Neptune isn’t based on the Saturn. She’s based on the cancelled Sega Neptune. It was a standalone 32x.