
I’ve seen way too many rednecks do this in my neck of the woods. I had some asshole pass me because I was ONLY doing 5 over. He jets in front of me, then slams on the brakes. I dive to the shoulder to avoid hitting him, and turn off the main drag to a side road. Dude swerves to follow me, and as I look in the

That is very poor trigger discipline. That’s one of the first things they teach you in any safety class, or CPL class. I learned it first from my father, who wanted me to grow up knowing how to use a firearm. Training should be mandatory.

Well, what they are getting at is...Puzzles should be something that can be solved on your own, with some trial and error. Too challenging puzzles can ruin a game. If you want to see examples of obtuse puzzles that can fuck over a game, refer back to any point and click game in the past. Take a look at games like Dark

Damn you Peter Molyneux! I guess since you aren’t retired, make another and black and white game. Populous plus having an unpredictable monster fucking up your shit is awesome.

This is really fishy. They don’t seem to have problems with anyone else, so this screams of covering asses because of severity of the crimes, and being a former cop.

This and the Sony trademark attempt are the latest in people trying to gate people from making their own content. By forcing a license on them, you create a barrier to entry, which is sad because this is supposed to be a medium that really has none. These attempts are pathetic, and show nothing more than fear and

Now playing

Ok, these sims aren’t my type of game but damn if they aren’t popular. I used to play flight sims as a kid, but mainly because that was something I couldn’t do in real life. I drove a delivery van for awhile as a kid, and it was boring as hell. As always when we talk about these simulators, I would be remiss in not

Those are awesome! Except the TMNT one, because FUCK THAT GAME.

Ok, I might actually read these because they look pretty amusing. After each adventure, does the Scooby-Do gang go home to Portland, and their artisanl cuisine, and obscure indie music?

Yeah! I’ve always to have a brawl in a 7-11 basically. Throwing people through displays, smashing heads through the glass doors, waterboarding with antifreeze.

Wow, those look fucking awesome. Now if you can add these to the ps4 when it comes out, and add me some of the posters on the walls, you can take my damn money.

Heh, kind of reminds me of Ryoga from Ranma 1/2. Also, with that dual wield crossbows she would be awesome in a main series zelda installment.

I love people like this. Yes, censorship is bad. The sad thing is, instead of protesting censorship in ways that are relevant to society, they instead choose to focus their efforts on the way japanese games get clothes added. I’m playing the world’s tiniest violin for them.

Everytime I see these move swap videos, I see something more and more horrifying. Like just damn. It’s like aliens tried to copy us, but are just way, way too insane.

I think the intent was there, but poorly worded. I agree people need to get the diversity and hiring issues done, but until people like Mr. Barclay can help fucking push this shit through, we’ll still be having lily white casts, and awards.

I honestly think they are silly looking and wouldn’t want one on my shelf or desk, but I can see the appeal. It looks just like the original game art, so that’s cool. Though, I’m never a fan of reliving those graphics.

I’m no fan of Ms. Kelly, but Trump’s treatment of her is appalling. Not only that, but it seems the contenders all seem to think any question not vetted by their camp, and easier to hit than a fucking tee ball is way too difficult, and way too insulting. If you can’t take questions, how the hell do you think you’ll

That shuttle and the hospital frigate were always my favorites.

This has happened pretty often in my experience. Best one was when I worked for Chrysler someone emailed the wrong group, and it was off to the races, as our american compatriots were in the same bafflement as the time people. It finally started to taper off....and then the german employees came back to work, and it

That’s incredible. I want this damn mod for my ps4. I’d like him as a companion, but I swear to Eris that guy needs either paxil or a fucking muzzle. A lot of times, I go to settlements with him when they are under attack, make him stay far away, and then I watch raiders or whomever just wreck that settlement. Sweet,